Take it easy

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Imagine- rose overworks herself and ends up fainting.

Rose couldn't stop moving at a very fast pace. It was a good day at the factory but for some reason, rose felt the need to work extra hard. She had been checking every room, making sure that everything was in order.

Her father was in the invention room, trying to think of new candy ideas, with no idea about how rose was pushing herself too much. He knew his daughter got panic attacks, sometimes fainted and he was always there to try and help calm her down.

He was sitting down at one of the invention tables, testing out a new candy flavor for one of his new creations. The look on his face was very determined, his jaw a little clenched. He wanted to make sure it was just right and suitable for selling.

All of a sudden, there was the dinging of the wonkavator and out stormed rose. Her hair was a little frizzled, there was a bead of sweat on her forehead and she looked incredibly pale. Her breathing was a little strained, since she felt so stressed.

"God, everything has to be perfect today. I know you're testing out a new flavor for your candy and I just want it to go smoothly." She said, leaning against the counter, trying to catch her breath.

Now, candy was really important to Willy. He spent his whole childhood loving candy and wanting to spread his ideas around the world. And Now, he was the greatest chocolatier in the world...

But nothing was more important than his precious little girl. He would do absolutely anything for her. Even if that means stopping what he was doing in the moment and doing everything he can to make sure she was okay.

He heard her ragged breathing and his head quickly shot up, his piercing violet eyes filled with worry. He rushed towards her and placed a hand on her back, rubbing it in circles.

"Honey, you need to breathe. I'm still working on the new flavor and I have a strong feeling that this is the one. But you need to relax... please." He said but rose kept on talking, her lips turning a little grey.

"I-I know I know. I just feel the need to work extra hard today. I know your candy means so much to y-you and I-I know how upset you get when you mess up and..."

She didn't even get to finish her sentence because her eyelids fluttered and she started to fall, but Willy was quick to catch her in his arms, a soft gasp escaping his lips.

Now she's passed out before but she's never pushed herself this hard before. Willy knew that she cared about candy just as much as he did and it made his heart soar knowing that. But It really worried him knowing that she felt the need to work extra hard today.

With one arm under her shoulders, he slid his other hand under her knees, lifting her up bridal style, one arm draped over her waist, the other one just dangling limp. He made his way to the elevator and with his elbow, he pushed a button that read "roses room" and the wonkavator took off.

Within minutes, the wonkavator landed in roses huge bedroom and the doors opened. He quickly but gently laid rose down on the bed before taking off his top hat, gloves and coat. He set them down then rushed to the bathroom and wet a rag with cool water, making his way back to his daughter.

He sat down on the edge of the bed and gently rested the damp rag across her forehead. A soft groan escaped her lips, her head moving slightly. He placed the back of his hand against her cheek, a soft sigh escaping his lips.

She didn't feel burning hot but she did feel a little warm.

"Daddy..." she whimpered softly, her head hurting like hell. Willy hushed her softly as he took her shoes off, setting them down at her bedside.

"Easy honey... you passed out." He said gently as roses eyes fluttered open, another groan escaping her lips. She still felt a little lightheaded so she tried not to move her head too much.

"Do you want some water?" He asked and rose gave a small nod. He kissed her cheek before getting up and walking to the bathroom. He filled a glass with water, then made his way back to her. She slowly propped herself on her elbow, taking the glass and carefully took a sip.

Willy sat back down on the edge of the bed, moving some of her hair out of her face.

"Honey, please tell me why you felt the need to work extra hard today... you really scared me when you passed out and I saw how pale you were..."

Rose glanced at Willy before looking down, sighing sadly. "I'm sorry papa... I just know that you were working on a new creation and I know that you want it to be perfect. So I just felt the need to make sure everything is in order..."

She set the glass down on the nightstand before curling up in a ball, her eyes watering. She felt really bad for scaring her dad. But she didn't mean to pass out.

He saw her watering eyes and knelt down in front of her, placing a hand on her side.

"Gummy bear... that's so sweet of you to check on all the rooms. And I know you love candy as much as I love you. But you... you are my main priority. You're my daughter and you mean the absolute world to me. I don't want you pushing yourself just to make me happy okay? I am the great Willy wonka, after all and I can handle anything."

Rose couldn't help but giggle slightly as Willy moved her hair out of her face.

"But in all seriousness... please don't overpush yourself. I appreciate you helping me, a lot, but you deserve to take a break too. I love how helpful and generous you are and I think those are great qualities to have. But next time I have a new idea in mind, just breathe and relax okay?" He said and she nodded, sniffling.

"Okay... again I'm sorry..."

He shook his head before kissing her forehead. "There's nothing to apologize for sweetie. Im not mad at you at all. I'm just glad you're okay. Now, you rest for a while okay?"

She nodded as Willy moved the covers over her body, making sure she was nice and warm. "Will you stay with me? Just for a little bit?" She asked and Willy smiled softly.

"Of course baby. Now get some rest. I love you." He said as he started stroking her hair, which helped her relax.

"I love you too papa." she said and within seconds, she was out like a light. All that worrying really wore her out.

Willy watched her lovingly, in a fatherly way, continuing to stroke her hair. He was just glad that she was alright. He would do anything to make sure that his daughter was okay.

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