The most important thing to me

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Rose walked into the chocolate room, taking in the beauty of her surroundings. Her father had worked so hard to make his dream come true. She was so proud of who he had become and for his achievements.

She hummed to herself as she looked at the chocolate river next to her, smiling softly. She knew how much being a chocolatier meant to her father.

She sat down on the green grass, which was actually mint flavored, pulling her knees to her chest. Some of the Oompa Loompas That were working waved at her, and she did the same.

A hand rested on her shoulder, making her gasp. She looked to the left and came face to face with her father.

"You scared me papa..." she said as she placed a hand over her beating heart, which returned to a normal pace. She wasn't expecting him to show up.

"that wasn't my intention sweetie. I just wanted to see what you were up to." He said before gently kissing her temple. She looked at him and smiled, resting her head against his shoulder.

"Just admiring your work papa. I know you have worked so hard for this and I'm so proud of you." She said before gently kissing his cheek. Hearing his daughter say that she was proud of him, made his heart soar with happiness.

"That makes me so happy rose. In fact, I've actually been working on something new and I've been wanting to show you."

He extended a hand out to her and she took it, standing up. "I would love to go see it." She said as they started walking. But she slipped on her heel and she screamed, falling into the river. He turned around, his eyes widening in horror.

"ROSE!!" He said. And he freaked out even more when she didn't come up.

"No no no..." he panicked before taking off his coat and diving into the river, not even thinking twice. He kept his mouth closed so he wouldn't choke on the chocolate. He could feel Roses hand brush against his and he wrapped his arms around her waist. He surfaced, gasping for air. He briefly glanced at rose, his heart sinking when she didn't move in his embrace.

He lifted her up and placed her on the grass, getting out of the river. They were both covered in the brown liquid from head to toe. He called for the Oompa Loompas and the little men came running towards him.

"get towels. Now!" He said worriedly and they wasted no time in doing what they were told. They brought white towels and he grabbed them. He laid her down on one of the towels and used the other one to wipe their faces.

When he finished, he pinched the bridge of her nose and wrapped his mouth around hers, breathing air into her lungs. He couldn't lose his little girl.

He then placed his hands over her chest, one hand over the other and started doing chest compressions. "Come on rose. Breathe!" He repeated the process, praying to god that she wouldn't die. This was his baby. If he lost her, he would die.

When he thought all Hope was lost, she choked, struggling for air. Hearing her chokes and gasps for air scared him. She then started coughing up the chocolate, rolling onto her elbow. She forced herself onto her hands and knees, continuing to cough it up. Her throat burned, her stomach hurting as well.

After coughing it all up, she collapsed in his arms, feeling lightheaded. He held her close and moved her chocolate covered hair out of her face. "Oh baby..." He said, his eyes watering. He was so thankful she was alive.

He picked her up, cradling her close. "Let's get you cleaned up." He said before walking out of the chocolate room, the Oompa Loompas cleaning the grass and getting rid of the dirty towels. He took her to a big bathroom, before setting her down.

"I'll have an Oompa Loompa get fresh clothes for you. Come see me in my room when you're done." He said before pressing his lips against her forehead, letting it linger a moment. He then left the room and closed the door so she could have privacy.

She peeled off her clothing, the chocolate coating her pale skin. She turned on the tub, making it hot but not too hot so it wouldn't burn her skin. When it was full enough, she turned it off and stepped inside, relaxing in the water. She laid down and closed her eyes.

When she finished her relaxing bath, washing and finishing her body, she drained the water and stepped out of the tub, careful not to slip. On the bathroom counter was a pair of clean clothes.

She dried herself off before changing into the clothes that was given to her. She towel dried her hair, before hanging up her towel, letting her hair dry. She left the bathroom and made her way to her dads bedroom.

On the way there, she couldn't help but think that he was mad at her. She didn't mean to ruin his chocolate river. No human hands are supposed to touch it. And she violated that rule. Or so she thought.

When she got to his room, she knocked on the door, awaiting a response.

"Come in." His voice spoke. She opened the door, her face covered by her hair as she looked down. Willy was sitting at his desk, wearing black pants and a gold shirt  with a black robe, along with black socks. His top hat and coat were hanging on the rack, which was beside the door.

"I'm sorry papa... I didn't mean to ruin your river..." she said, keeping her head down. She thought he was upset.

He turned around, his eyes softening but filling with concern. He stood up and walked towards her before gently lifting up  her chin.

"Starshine, this isn't your fault. And I was more concerned about you than the river. I could have lost you." He said as he led her to the bed and they sat down.

"If I lost you, I wouldn't forgive myself. You are way more important than my factory. "

He gently placed a hand on her cheek and stroked it with his thumb.

"My factory may mean a lot to me but You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. You are my baby girl and I will always love you." He said as their eyes started watering.

She buried her face in his chest as a few tears fell down her cheeks. He cradled her head as he rocked her back and forth, kissing her hair. He rested his chin on top of her head and closed her eyes.

"I love you so so much sweetheart. You are the best daughter a father could ask for." He whispered as he smiled, looking down at her. She looked up at him with watery eyes, smiling.

"I love you too papa." She whispered before she rested her forehead against his, closing her eyes. This was his baby, his precious daughter. And she was the most important thing to him.

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