My face is green?!

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Imagine- rose tastes tests a new candy and gets really sick

It was a rainy and chilly afternoon, not very many people out and about. Most people were staying indoors, keeping warm and dry from the cold, pouring weather outside. And it was no different in the factory.

The factory was nice and toasty, which is how the Oompa Loompas preferred it. They couldn't really work if the factory was freezing, their bodies wouldn't allow them to work.

Rose and Willy were in the invention room, sitting at a high table, thinking of new ideas for candy. Well Willy was just throwing one idea after the other and Rosalina was picturing them in her mind while sketching them. She had a very artistic mind and drawing was one of her passions.

Right now, Willy was describing a new candy that sounded absolutely wonderful. "So starshine I was thinking of a new candy. This one would look and feel like a mini cotton candy ball. It would have the fluffiness of cotton candy and then when you put it in your mouth, you taste a hint strawberry jelly and then you hear crackling. Not only would it have the jelly, but there would also be cotton candy pop rocks. I was thinking of calling it "pink poppers."

As rose finished her sketches, she set her pencil down and slightly turned her sketchbook so Willy could see. "Something like this?" She asked and Willy smiled. She had drawn little cotton candy balls and then she drew one that was cut in half with one half filled with pop rocks, the other half with strawberry jelly and they mixed together, creating pink goodness. She put a little tagline on the bottom that read "so pink and fluffy, it explodes with pink flavor!"

"That's perfect my gummy bear!" He complimented and she smiled brightly. "I'll let the Oompa Loompas know as soon as possible! Thank you starshine, you have such an artistic and creative mind." He said sweetly and then his eyes lit up.

"Oh, before I forget! I have a new candy I want you to try out. I've been testing out a few kinks and I think I figured it out! Remember that candy idea we were talking about, the one where it changes the color of your face based on your mood?"

Rose nodded her head in agreement as they stepped away from the table and walked to one of the testing tables. "Yes, I do papa. You want me to test it?" She asked kindly and Willy looked at her, nodding.

"Yes I do. But like I said, I've been working on some kinks, so I'm hoping this is the day where it's a success." He opened a little dish and pulled out a little green square, which almost resembled a gummy candy. "Go ahead and try it."

She took the candy and glanced at it, looking all around it. It looked pretty safe to eat and the smell was pleasantly surprising. She put the candy in her mouth and started chewing. As soon as she started chewing, a weird taste filled her mouth and her left eye scrunched close. It was a little sour and a little bitter.

"Is it supposed to be sour?" She asked as she leaned against the table, her head hanging slightly. Willy looked up, thinking for a moment then shook his head.

"No, it shouldn't be. But that could be a good idea. One is sour and one isn't." He said with a small giggle. It took a minute but rose was able to swallow it. Her mouth was tingling from the sourness of the candy and it wasn't a good tingle. Within seconds, her stomach started churning and she groaned, still leaning against the table.

Then to his horror, he saw her face start to change color. And it wasn't a good color. Willys eyes widened, one of his hands going to his mouth. "Oh dear lord..." he mumbled and Rosalina looked to the side, her forehead beginning to sweat.

"What? What's wrong? Is my face changing?!" She asked worriedly and then unintentionally, she gagged. She quickly covered her mouth and Willy's still wide eyes filled with concern, his mouth unable to move but his head nodded yes.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2023 ⏰

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