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Imagine- Rosalina gets appendicitis

Rose and Willy were in the invention room, looking around at the different machines and making sure everything was in order. They had just finished a brainstorm rush, which landed with about 20 new ideas. For example, Candy gumdrops that change to a different color based on your mood. Or nerds, which were already a thing, but instead when you eat one, you act like a nerd for 30 seconds.

Just a whole bunch of ideas, but right now they wanted to make sure all the machines were up and running perfectly.

However, rose had been getting a little bit of pain, near her navel on her right side. It wasn't painful but it was definitely uncomfortable. But she was very good at acting like nothing was wrong.

"I can't believe we thought of 20 new ideas, rose! And in 10 minutes!" Willy laughed and Rosalina looked up at her father, smiling in response, despite her hurting. 

"Yeah, let's see if we can beat our record next time... 30 ideas in 10 minutes!" Willy laughed as he twirled his nerds filled cane in his hands.

"I like a challenge. And it seems like all the machines are up and running like they should be. We just need to check a few more and then we can take a break. How's that sound?" He asked and Rosalina was about to speak but she looked away, grimacing with a small gasp escaping her lips, her hands clutching her side.

Willys eyes instantly filled with worth as he placed a hand on her shoulder. He could tell when something was wrong with his daughter and today was no different. "Hey, are you alright honey?" He asked with concern laced in his voice

"I-I'm alright, just been having a pain in my si-OWW!" She cried out and her legs gave out, falling to her knees. Willys eyes widened as he fell to his knees as well, with his hand on her shoulder, the other one on her knee.

"Whoa whoa whoa, you don't sound alright. What hurts?" He asked worriedly and rose whimpered, one hand clutching her side and the other on her stomach. Her heart was racing in her chest and she felt like she was going to pass out.

"M-my side... I-it wasn't this bad before but now I feel like I can't walk... l-like someone is grabbing my organs and just twisting them...I-it hurts so bad papa..." she managed to say before crying out once more.

Willy did his tongue thing, which signaled for one of the invention room Oompa Loompas to show up.

"I need you to immediately call the doctor, okay? This is an emergency." He stated sternly but gently. He never yelled at his Oompa Loompas. Well, he did yell at them once but he rarely ever got mad at him. They were so good at their jobs. He was just having a bad day one day, but that is still no excuse to lash out at your workers.

And yes, there were Oompa Loompa doctors that were very specialized at their practice. But Willy found a doctor, who goes by the name Dr. smith, and lives down the street from the factory. He was a very good doctor and knew exactly what he was doing. He would have his shifts at the factory and then go home to his family the rest of the day. Plus, the Oompa Loompas did help him when he was doing his job. And should there be something later in the day or in the middle of the night, the Oompa Loompas knew exactly what to do as well.

The Oompa Loompa quickly bowed before rushing out of the invention room to go fetch the doctor. By now, tears were streaming down her cheeks, her body trembling.

"It's going to be okay, sweetheart. Arms around my neck." He whispered as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders, the other under her knees and lifted her up bridal style. She almost screamed in pain as she clung to him, Willy hushing her softly while racing to the wonkavator.

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