Scrumdiddlyumptious birthday

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Imagine-it's roses birthday and Willy plans something special

Today was a very special day. And I mean special. Can you guess what it is?

No, Willy did not come up with a new invention, even though it's in the works. And no, it had nothing to do with the Oompa Loompas.  Well, they might have something to do with it.

Today was roses 17th birthday! She was only one year away from becoming a legal adult! And Willy was planning something so special for his daughter.

It was around 10:00 in the morning and Rosalina was still sleeping in bed. She was on her left side, one arm draped over the edge of the bed, the other one above her head on the pillow. Her left leg was bent at the knee, the other one straight.

The door quietly opened, and in tip toed Willy, with a tray of food in his hands. . He was still in his robe, gold and black pajamas with slippers. He was taking a day off today to make Rosalina's birthday the best birthday she ever had.

When Willy saw the position she was sleeping in, he chuckled quietly to himself, shaking his head. "My silly girl..." he whispered to himself as he quietly set the tray down on her dresser.

When he got close enough, he knelt down in front of her and moved her hair out of her face before placing his hand on her shoulder.

"Honey, wake up..." he whispered and she stirred slightly, groaning. Her head slightly lifted off the bed, her eyes half open.

"Wh-what? What's going on?" She asked, still half asleep with a piece of hair in her mouth. She groaned once more as she moved her hair out of her mouth before propping herself on her elbow.

Willy giggled before speaking. "Happy birthday, my darling rose." He said and roses eyes finally opened, a small smile forming on her face. It just dawned on her that it was her birthday.

"Oh yeah... I forgot about that..." she giggled before rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, letting out another yawn.

"I made you breakfast. And I figured since it's your birthday, you can eat it in bed. Just, don't get it on the sheets alright?" He teased and she nodded, smiling once more.

"I won't papa. Thank you so much." She said and Willy got up, walking to the dresser and grabbing the tray of food. On a red plate were 2 chocolate chip pancakes with butter and syrup, scrambled eggs, toast and a glass of orange juice.

As rose sat up and pressed her back against the pillows, Willy made his way to her and set the tray down on her lap. Usually the Oompa Loompas would make her breakfast, since most of the time, Willy was busy. But birthday or not, he would always make time for his daughter.

"Bon appetit. After you eat, meet me in the chocolate room. I have something very special for you." He said and ruffled her hair, making her giggle.

"Okay, daddy." She said and he left the room, leaving her to eat her delicious breakfast.

1 hour later
After eating her food, rose took a nice warm shower, but didn't wash her hair, since she had done so the night before. After showering, she did her makeup which consisted of red and silver eyeshadow, mascara and red lipstick.

With her robe on, she made her way to her bed and saw a red box with a white bow just sitting there, with a little white card. She picked up the card and it read.

                               I had the Oompa Loompas make it for you. I hope you like it.
Love, papa

Rose smiled brightly before untying the bow and opening the box. When she opened it, her smile stretched from ear to ear. Inside was a red off the shoulder dress, that was a little past the knees with a pair of red mini heels. It had a heart shaped neckline and it was so totally her style.

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