Teeth things

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Imagine-rose goes to the dentist

Today was the day.. rose was going to the dentist. Now she's been to the dentist plenty of times. At the factory, there were doctors, nurses and of course, a dentist.

Even though Willy and his daughter rose lived in the factory, they still needed to check on their health and make sure everything was in order.

But this was the first time that rose was going to none other than, wilbur wonka, Willy's father. He was the best known dentist in the country and recently, Willy and his father reunited. They were both thrilled to be speaking again, and now that Willy had a daughter, wilbur having a granddaughter, life was even better.

The wonkavator flew through the sky, carrying Willy and rose. It was snowing lightly outside so rose and Willy were dressed warmly; Willy was wearing a grey shirt with a black vest, his Gold W shining perfectly, along with black pants, his perfectly shined black shoes and his long trench coat. Oh and he couldn't forget his awesome goggle like sunglasses. Those were a must.

His daughter was wearing a black and white striped sweater, black leggings and black heeled combat boots. Her hair was in a simple braid over her shoulder with a clip in the shape of a flower.

Her arms were crossed over her chest as she looked at the buildings below them, a soft sigh escaping her lips. Now... rose didn't have a fear of going to the dentist. But she always felt a little nervous when the dentist would touch her teeth or go anywhere near her mouth. It just felt... weird to her.

Willy heard the sigh, and right as they landed, he looked at her and gently placed a hand on her shoulder. "Honey, I know you feel weird when people touch your mouth or look at your teeth. I completely understand. You remember when I told you how my father used to make me wear that horrible headgear right?" He asked softly and rosalina looked at him, giving a nod.

"How can I forget it? I always picture what you would look like as a kid, wearing that god awful headgear." She teased playfully which made Willy chuckle softly.

"Oh it was so awful. But that's the thing... I know how you feel. I went through it and even though it took me years, I was able to get over it."

Storm sighed again as she looked down a moment, both of them exiting the wonkavator, and walking towards Wilbur's house, which sat alone in the middle of nowhere.

"I know daddy... but just having fingers in my mouth... or them using those tools to clean my teeth..." she shuddered when those words left her mouth. "What if I get a cavity? I've never had one before." She said, slightly panicking inside. It was true. She never had a cavity before. She was so afraid of getting one that she was seriously religious about taking care of her teeth.

As they walked up the steps, Willy kissed her temple. "I know how serious you are about taking care of your teeth, sweetie. And I doubt you'll have a cavity any time soon. My father is the best dentist, in my opinion, in the world. And you're his granddaughter. I assure you, you have nothing to worry about you."

Rose smiled slightly as she rang the doorbell, waiting patiently for the door to open up.

"I'm glad you're here with me daddy..." she said softly and Willy smiled brightly.

"Of course, my sweet girl. I'll always be here for you."

The door then opened, revealing wilbur wonka. He was always so happy to see his son and granddaughter. He never really got any visitors and they were the only two family members left. So it was always so special when they came to see him.

"My son." He said with a bright smile on his face as he hugged Willy, who hugged back. "It's good to see you too dad." He said before the two men pulled away. Wilbur looked at rose and they both smiled.

"It's so good to see you grandpa..." she said as she wrapped her arms around his waist and he gave her a big bear hug, making her giggle.

"My lovely granddaughter. Come on, let's get you inside so we can look at your teeth." He said jokingly, but with a little bit of seriousness in his tone.

Rose and Willy followed him inside, the door closing behind him. Willy took off his coat and goggles, and set them down on a chair. Wilbur lead rose to the dentist chair and she slowly sat down.

Wilbur could sense that she was nervous and knelt down in front of her, gently placing a hand over hers. "My dear, don't be nervous. All I'm going to do is just look at your teeth and do a little cleaning. Willy told me beforehand that you feel a little weird when a dentist feels your teeth, correct?"

Rose glanced at Willy who sat down in a chair next to her and gave a small nod. Then she looked at her grandfather and nodded. "I do... I don't have a fear at all... I just feel weird."

Wilbur chuckled as he stroked her hand with his thumb. "That's totally understandable. You know, I've never told anyone this, but I felt the exact same way."

"You did?" Both Willy and rose asked at the same time, sharing a glance with each other before looking back at wilbur.

"As a matter of fact, I did. When I was a boy, I did not like people touching my teeth or any part of my mouth for any reason. I don't know why, I just did. But as I got older, I realized that I wanted to look at other peoples teeth, and see if I could figure out how to fix them. So my dear girl, I get it. But I reassure you, I will take good care of you." He said as he gave her hand a gentle squeeze.

Rose looked at Willy, who smiled reassuringly and kissed her temple. "I'll be right here the whole time, darling. Like I said, you are in good hands."

Rose looked at wilbur and within minutes, the chair was kicked back and wilbur started doing what he knew best

1 hour later
The chair was brought back to its upright position and rose couldn't be happier. Not only was the process fast, but wilbur did a fantastic job and the whole time, Willy and wilbur were exchanging stories to help rose feel more comfortable. And the best part?


"Oh my gosh... you are the best dentist ever! And, you are the best grandpa ever!" She said happily before she stood up and hugged him tightly. Wilbur hugged back and sighed in content, kissing his granddaughters cheek.

"I try my best. Now you make sure you keep brushing and flossing, alright?" He said as he gently pulled away.

Rose quickly nodded before giving Wilbur's cheek a kiss as Willy walked towards them. "Thank you so much dad." He said as he shook Wilbur's hand.

"Anytime son. And please, visit me more often. You know I'm always here and I would love to see my son and granddaughter more frequently. And keep doing what you love."

Willy was so proud to be Wilbur's son. They were truly alike, more than they realize.

After leaving Wilbur's house and going back to the factory, Willy wasn't even finished leaving the wonkavator when rose enveloped him in a hug, her arms around his waist and her head on his chest.

"Thank you papa. You're the best dad in the whole wide world and I love you so much."

Willy looked down at his daughter and smiled, feeling his eyes watered. He wrapped an arm around her back as the other hand gently cupped the back of her head, placing a kiss on her forehead.

"Of course, my turtle dove. I'll always be here for you. And I love you too."

Not only was Willy the best father in the world, but wilbur was the best dentist, and grandpa in Rose's heart.

Hey guys! I know I haven't been updating as much lately! I've just been busy with work. But I really want to write more often and I could really use some suggestions. I really want some fluff and sweet ideas! Hope you like it!❤️👍🏻

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