Chapter 1;

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Andrea's Pov;

"mom I'm home" I shouted then Tito dad Bruce is here too "oh what the h*ll happened to you?" Bruce said while he look so worried when suddenly mom approach me " Where the h*ll are you ? Kris sudden action makes me suddenly changes mood.

"mom where at bar and then nextthing I know I hooked up with stranger" I straight forward said and look at them who's shocked did I say something wrong? I tell them the truth.

"hooked up what the how?" Bruce said concern .

"I don't even know too argfh I'm tired mom, dad let me sleep please" I said to them and go to my room "We're not done yet Andrea come back here" Kris said but I ignore her and sleep at my room.

~Fast forward.

"Nads open the door are you still sleeping?" Kylie Shouted wait why is Kylie here I thought she's with Travis and stormi.

"Argh wait I'm tired to go up let's talk later pls " I shouted back.

"Stormi is with me kim and khlo is here too " she shouted again.

Few Weeks past

Every morning I felt morning sick or vomit they definitely know about it but thinking 'bout positively way .

"Hey let's talk for a bit" Kourtney suddenly approach me "Uhmm what is it Kourt" I said waiting for her answer.

"Umm you know I always notice you being irritated , cold or vomiting so much do you want to go to doctor or ob?"yes Kourtney knows what happened to me at the bar because mom keep saying it to them.

"Kourtney I'm just exhausted always on photoshoot and shooting films that's why" I said to her while still thinking if what if I'm pregnant.

Then Kourt stop asking me and I go upstairs to my room and call Ethan.

Ethan Valeria is one of my trusted friends but he's in Philippines.

On Phonecall;

Andrea;Hey bro....
Ethan;yes why are you calling me so sudden I'm in meetings rn.
Andrea; you know lasttime I go to the bar with Kendall and girls I kinda me-
Andrea; let me speak first can you shut the fvck up I thought your on the meeting.So yeah we go to the bar and then somethings happened that fast after that I kinda sleep with stranger.
Ethan;call me later your brother is here he'll be mad if he heard this.
Andrea;ok ok don't say it to them ha bye....

_Call ended_

Well let just call Gigi or kylie to buy me pt kits.

~Calling Kylie~

Kylie; yes Nads what is it?
Andrea; Kylie you know I messed up big that time I go to the bar kinda kourt talk to me like she finds me weird this days.
Kylie; wait straight to the point why did you call me I'm with stormi now.
Andrea; kylie buy me pt kit pls don't say it to mom.
Kylie;are you preggy or sum?
Andrea; let's see pls go buy me know Idk if he use protection or something omy what will Jake say to me if he will know that im preggy.
Kylie; omy I thought you break up with jake I kinda see him with someone lasttime well I thought that's you , so I approach him but he suddenly walk fast with the girl.
Andrea; are you telling lies?
Kylie; why would I ok come on I'm gonna buy your pt kit bye let's talk later come here , test this here not there mom will probably scold you again.

~Back to future

After that day i tell kylie we do the test and yes im pregnant , I tell mom Kris and other Kardashian about it and dad Bruce too and my real parents and my other friends I stop being model for while and quit being artist.

~Fast forward

We're going home in the Philippines with my two son , the media knows that their just my adopted son , Jake knows about the truth and we decided to broke up well he cheated to but we're on good terms now.

I'm preparing our baggage now , My twin is two years old now.

~Fast forward.


The guards still on guard because of some media outside my sons is wearing something the media can't notice them like me.

"Wait that's miss Nads" some people shouted and my guards , position there selves to protect us I holdm my two son hands.

"Hey sands,Alex holds mommy's hand can you?" They just nodded at me and they hold my hands and go outside safe but media keep on asking if their aren't adopted because it has my looks too.

Atfer that we go ahead home I don't answered media , when suddenly someone calls me.

Samantha; hey are the twins with you na we missed you and twins too.
Andrea; hi ate Sam of course twins is here with me.
Samantha; tita you're back I miss you (summer)
Andrea; I miss you too I'm at our penthouse I know you're in ilocos see you next week me and twins is gonna rest na babyee.

Then I call ended yes im that super tired.

AUTHOR;sorry for mispelled , typo I will still update for others. Please keep supporting me and my story mwuaps😗

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