Chapter 50;

652 19 3

Andrea's Pov;

Nakarating na kami ni simon sa Bangui windmills wow such a pretty place.

"Mom there so many big fan here"Alessandro said simon laugh wow parang di tinawag na malaking electric fan yung windmills dito ha.

"Yeah mom it's big" Alexander said mesmerizing the view.

"Bangui windmills is the famous attraction here when windmills finish" simon said.

"Not just windmills of we have nuclear power plant too" sabi ni simon.

"Wow ilocos Norte is the mayaman bayan na" I said .

"First time mo here e taga ilocos ka?" Simon said medyo pa asking.

"Yes it's my first time here , you know living in NYC is definitely the most likely reason why I don't know ilocos have this kind of attraction " I said mesmerizing the place.

"Yeah beautiful" sabi ni simon na napansin Kong nakatingin Sakin.

"If I were an ice , I'll be melted by that , hot stare of yours" I said and smirk look at him.

"Meanie I'm not staring at you" simon defend.

"HAHAHA too defensive" I said.

"Why did kuya ditch you kaya? Wala namn talaga silang schedule sabi ni pops" simon said.

"Pls no Sandro for today let's enjoy our family bonding tho we're not family" I said namn.

The kids starting to run sooner napagod agad we go to paoay namn the famous church here because pag kinasal ka haba ng lalakarin mo.

"This is my favorite places of all, you know when I was a kid I wanted me and my future husband do the wedding here" I said mesmerizing the view of paoay.

"Mom it will be long walking it's like a road mom"Alessandro said I laughed.

"Well it must be punishment before wedding" I said while laughing.

"Imagine mom you and tito dada walk here wait let's practice for the near future events of this" alexander requested simon nod and smile at them too.

"What got you two to think of wedding agad" I said.

"Nothing we just want our mom to be happy to the boy she love most"Alexander said nabigla namn ako.

"So I should marry you two because mom only love the twins so much" I said teasing them.

"Mom I mean a man you will love in the dearest future" Alexander said defending.

"HAHAHA too funny come on let's practice na I'll be in the altar na" simon said then he runs toward the altar tapos ako namn pumunta sa may harapan ng simbahan.

The twins walk before me ,they really acted like in a wedding.

Soon enough I walk towards nadin to altar I saw how simon look at me I felt like I'll be wedded.

Time just slow motioning , it felt like we're on the movie who's wedding.

We locked each other by stare i didn't even notice I'm malapit na sa altar.

"Wow my future wife look so beautiful" simon said dun lang ako natauhan na Nasa tapat nya Nako.

"Ganun Pala feeling ikasal Noh" I said.

"I don't know but I felt something like a butterfly and excitement when I saw you walking down the aisle.

"Yeheyyy mom look so gorgeous there walking , soon enough I want mom to marry someone but a public wedding not a private one" Alessandro said.

"I want mom to be happy not in private life , I want to be common and have freedom too" Alexander said.

"Kids nowadays always know what on the paligid happening"simon said and he kneeldown to the twins and hug him thanking them.

"Thank you for that wedding acting I saw how lovely will be your mom in her wedding" simon said to the twins.

"Thank you too dada for this wonderful Family day I enjoy this" Alexander said.

"I enjoy our family day too" I said.

"Let's go na and pray na tayo" I added.

Umupo na kami sa isang tabi to kneeldown and pray to god.

~time skipped.

We're on our way to the famous empanada where I use to Dala Zion back then.

"I'm sure if kylie and kendall is here they will be happy too , it's like the empanada is the original taco " I said simon laugh.

"But empanada is more tasty" simon defended.

"Of course I love empanada much" I said.

"Mom are we gonna eat ilocos famous delicacy?" Alessandro ask I nod.

"Wow I would love'd to mom" Alexander said.

"Di namn para puro mcdo lang gusto nila eh" simon said .

"Well yup they love what they saw" I said it's just like me but I don't eat longganisa sorry.

"But I don't eat longganisa" I said.

"Why it's delicious kaya" simon said.

"Don't get me wrong I just hate like balot na balot in like plastic wrap , I can't explain basta I hate longganisa " I said.

" Ok you said so , so ano pa hate mo para maiwasan natin sa future" simon said .

"Future agad but yeah I hate patola too " I said I don't know but I really hate patola pasintabi po sa may gusto non ha this is only ff.

"Then what do you like here in ilocos?" Simon ask.

"I like the pinakbet na pizza here and pinakbet na gulay also the bagnet and you called empanada" I said namn.

"Well it's like famous here Noh" simon said I laugh.

"Mainly one is pinakbet na pizza I do want to eat it like I've been craving almost 1 week na but no one gave me" I said pouting.

"Tita imee can make pinakbet pizza tomorrow I'll ask her to make you ,so you don't need to buy na" Simon said I smile at him how thoughtful simon is for money.

"Really omg thank you Simon" I said .

"Welcome m'lady btw we're here na" Simon said and sya muna bumababa and he opened twins door sa likod first , then he opens mine too.

"Btw simon the gift I've been ipon nung isang araw pa I want to bigay it later tell them im going to marcos main mansion , if you want isama mo na yung twina don susunod nlng ako" I said.

"Sure after we eat I'll tell them but now let's enjoy our day and eat special empanada" Simon said .

Then we headed to the maliit na like carinderia here who's selling famous empanada.

"Oh ma'am ikaw po uli , do you like empanada talaga Noh?" The ale who's nagtitinda said i smile at her.

"Yes Po so can I order again 5 special empanada?" I said and smile to her.

"Sure ma'am gladly taking your orders" the ale said , I bayad first na so that diko makalimutan then I go where simon and my kids seating.

"Wait that's ma'am nads oh" the girl shouted omy god they are so many na haluh.

~bitin... Btw onting spoiler lang magkakaron ng spicy scene in nads birthday abangan 😚😚

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