Chapter 48;

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Andrea's pov;

"Let's cook breakfast na" I said.

"Oo nga I'm hungry na din" Sandro said.

"Same with dad but I want mcdo mom" Alexander said.

"No mcdo today , don't spoiled them too much" Sandro said.

"But dad-" alexander answered but got cut off by Sandro.

"No more buts kiddos you need to tipid too we're not that rich to just gastos too much for breakfast" Sandro said but I disagree about not MAYAMAN.

"But mom is totally rich rich " Alessandro said I laughed kasi its true namn.

"Dad Marcos isn't that broke" Alexander said inirapan ama nya.

"Abah attitude you two" Sandro said .

"May pinag manahan " I said .

"That's not me" Sandro said.

"Oh really but you're a maattitude you just walk out kagabi" I said I didn't let him speak I call the mcdo for delivery.

"Yehey mommy is the best" Alexander said and he hugged my thighs.

"Mommy is literally the best mom" Alessandro said namn and he do what exactly Alexander do.

"That's favoritism for me" Sandro called out.

"Oh because mommy got always our back" Alessandro said inangasan ama nya.

"You didn't buy us mcdo we're craving for , do you want us to starve daddy?" Alexander said nag pacute pa sa ama nya habang nakapulupot sa thighs ko.

"Of course not I just said don't buy mcdo na I can cook namn eh " Sandro said but I don't believe him , first impression is simon was a best cooker while sandro is just good but not best.

"Simon is literally the one who I saw good cooking" I said.

"That's it I'm catcalling you later" Sandro said.

"Dad got roasted " Alessandro said then nag highfive sila ni Alexander.

"You're bullying your own dad awts " Sandro said then he acted in pain.

Then my phone rangs namn.

I answered it.

On phone call;

Me; hello?

Unknown; this is xyryl I just wanted to say emma is not gonna go to your condo for while we'll visit you nlng , and tomorrow is your birthday Pala we're going but not magtatagal.

Me; oh so sudden why is emma feel something ba?

Unknown; no she's ok I just wanted to have bond with her.

Me;oh great I'll see you both tomorrow thank you for informing me and updating take care of emma.

Then I called ended.

"Who's that?" Sandro asked I just want to put some spice hshshs.

"Oh that's my fiance" I said smirking at him.

"Bold of you to assume that I didn't do background check on you" Sandro answered chuckling.

"Arghhh you're so ACKKKKK" I said I can't curse.

"Mom lose this round" Alessandro called out.

"Kala ko ako kakampi nyo" I said fake crying.

"Mom that's not kampihan talaga" Alessandro answered.

"It is kaya" I defend.

"Makikipag away kapa sa Bat-" sandro said but got cut off by his phone ringing.

He look at me I nod agreeing to answer it.

He leave to answer it .

"Mom who's daddy talking kaya?" Alexander ask I shrugged di ko Alam eh.

"I don't know let's just wait for the mcdo to come I'm hungry na" I said.

~a few Minutes the mcdo came already.

"Let's eat na kids" I said namn dipa nabalik baka may kausap pa.

"Fries yeheeyy" Alessandro said while Alexander is "Burgeeerrr yahoo".

"Let's eat na your dad is on the phone pa" I said namn then we start eating na tinirahan nlng namin si Sandro.

Ng bigla bumaba si Sandro.

"Ah nads I have to go may biglaang meet" Sandro said.

"What the it's our family day and you're ditching us Sandro na-" Sandro didn't let me finish umalis na agad sya.

"Mom are you and dad fighting?" Alexander ask I shrugged.

"Let's continue eating na" I said namn pero wala nakong gana pinanood ko nlng Kumain Ang mga anak ko.

~what will happened next? End of nads and Sandro's Family appearance or may bagong linta uli???

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