A Newly Formed Society

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She was not even an hour old. She was a former human that had recently gone under a transformation to be transitioned into society. It was only going to be her second day when everything would just be getting started. She had just recently arrived at her house alongside her parents who had gone under a transformation as well.

"Hey June, wake up little angel." Said her father. "Don't worry father, I'm awake." Said June. The little husky then jumped out of the car and was taken by her parents into the house where they passed by a strange brown van.

Upon entering the house, some otters came out of the house carrying several boxes, and greeted the husky family as they entered. "So is all of this perfect for you Mr. Thompson?" Asked the lead otter. "Why yes, my friend, you've done well here." Said June's father.

As soon as the otter workers left, June took a look around her house to see the entire kitchen and living room looking brand new. "Hey sweetie, your dad and I think you should go up to your room and rest." Said June's mother. "Aww, but I just had a nap on the way here." Whined June. "We just think it's for the best that you make sure you have enough energy for the days to come." Said her father. "Well, if you say so." Said June.

She then walked up the stairs and into her room. The mattress and walls were both a nice light purple like her fur color. The furniture in the room was surprisingly lacking, but a child like her didn't care since it was all she needed. When she jumped on top of her bed, she curled up into a ball with her blankets and drifted off into a deep sleep.


The little husky awoke suddenly upon feeling a sharp pain in her body. June looked over at the clock on her nightstand and saw that she had only been asleep for about 10 minutes!

The pain in June also began to hurt more and more and it was all over her body as well. She looked at her paw to see another paw growing out of it covered in red fur and a slimy substance as if it were a baby emerging from the womb. Slowly, more and more body parts began multiplying and coming out of June and she eventually began screaming her lungs out in pain and agony.

Downstairs, June's mother heard and quickly ran up to her daughter's room with the father not far behind. When they got in, they were horrified at the sight. They saw June along with 3 other young husky kids sitting in the bed with her tired and asleep. "Oh my god, what happened here?" Asked June's father. "It...hurts.." June said weakly. Thankfully, she was alive but also crying in pain from what she had just gone through. "Are you alright sweetie?" Her mother asked. "No......it hurt so badly........"

Some hours later, the other 3 husky kids were awake. There were two boys and one girl each with their own fur colors. The boys were a red and orange, and the girl was a light turquoise color. They also seemed to have very different personalities. The red one seemed to be the most adventurous and radical, the orange one was playful and quite extroverted, and the turquoise girl was quite curious and shy.

June's parents would spend the rest of the day investigating what happened and would get their hands on the facility they had gone to several hours ago. It turned out that the gas that had turned the family into anthros malfunctioned with Justin. And when June split apart into several more young huskies, it was a late reaction to the aspect of how many clones that the gas was supposed to create from its single victim. It was something the parents hadn't heard of before and hadn't registered it for their son who was supposed go under this procedure and come out of it as one person. It was actually a mistake put into the input of what the gas was supposed to do when someone was exposed to it. But nonetheless, the two husky parents weren't very mad at what happened, but pleased to know that everything had worked out.

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