The Monster

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"It's been several days after the attack the humans did, and so much has happened since then. I got this journal from Jayden, who wrote in this journal originally after he got it from one of the soldiers on our side.

Anyways, first of all the best news, we've been granted luxury thanks to our army deeming us heroes for escaping the human's base. Austin's still sad about Cameron, and in the meantime I also told the friends of mine who are still alive about Landon, they did want to rip into Jayden but I've been successful at telling them to back off. Meanwhile, more information has been discovered thanks to others who have came back after encountering the humans and their forced. Some of which include Lexi, who's Kyle's former brother, now sister, and Samantha who's the sister of another human who hasn't been captured. Lexi says she encountered someone who had killed the ones she was with and has been supposedly rumored to have been 1006.

Even better, even though I heard about the condition that Julie and our mom and dad are in, they've actually been doing better than what's been released to the rest of our community.

But now for the bad news, first up, Garrett's died, nobody is really even sure what caused his death but all of us are sure it had to do with what happened on April 5th. Second of all, we've also heard about the facility we visited had been burned down with very few survivors other than the captives who had been formerly held there before being transferred to another location, and all we know is that it's own by a human man on our side who goes by Mr. Bartley. But one of the only survivors is Cleo, a young anthro cat that Julie tried warming up to when she was visiting the young ones that had been "turned by the blast."

We've given her a lot of love and attention after all the trauma she witnessed, and we've all even allowed her to move into our new house with us.

There's a few more things I want to talk about, but my hand is starting to hurt from all the writing and I think I may need to take a break, but Ill make sure to write down about anything else."
-Sincerely, June


When June got done writing down the entry in the journal from her brother, she decided she'd go take a walk outside. So she got up from her bed and walked down the hall passing by Julie's room, seeing she was trying to continue walking on her left leg with the help of Cleo. The young husky then walked down the stairs, past the living room where her mom was sleeping, and then out the door.

When June first got outside, she knew it was a lot different than the first time she remembered it like this. The skies were now a lot more blue with the pink shade mostly completely faded. She looked around and saw the flowers looking far more colorful and vibrant. Although, despite her still feeling scared over all that had happened to her, June felt safe and happy around being in the arms of nature, thus she felt the need to continue walking. This time along the dirt road laid out by the army to keep in contact with them.

June found it to be quite gritty, but the dirt road also gave presence of safety as if she was still being protected by the ones meant to fight to keep her and all anthros in the community safe.

All of a sudden, she heard bushes rustling nearby in the forest surrounding the property. By this time, June was out of sight from the household and curiosity was quickly taking hold of her and she walked closer to take a closer look.

June bent down and didn't hear much after the initial rustling so she turned around and was prepared to go back. But out of nowhere, she was pounced on by something that leapt out of the bushes. June was quickly knocked to the ground, but was also able to get a good look at her sudden pouncer.

It looked like an anthro yellow furred male wolf  with several human like body parts, most specifically several parts of the face and legs were pure human skin instead of fur. However, June was able to get herself composed when she realized that she had seen him before.

ROTWOTA: Book 2 - The Falling City of Anthros Where stories live. Discover now