The P.S.W Facility

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After about half an hour of traveling, Johnny Cuba spotted 3 diesels congregating over in a nearby siding. One was a brown warship with yellowish striped painted on his body with a large hydraulic claw on his rooftop. The other two were 08 shunters, one was purple and gray, and the other was a dark green and gray.

It was Diesel 10, Splatter, and Dodge.

While they weren't close enough to hear what they were saying, the 1400 blew his whistle to alert their presence. The three diesels then looked over at Johnny Cuba and the 1400. "Ahhh, so you two are Johnny Cuba and that other 1400." Said Diesel 10.

"Affirmative." Said the 1400. "And you three should get a move on with us, we don't have all day."

"With pleasure, come on Splodge. We got work to do." Said Diesel 10. "Right behind you boss." Said the twin diesels.

Another 10 minutes passed before arriving at a set of points that diverted the five engines away from the mainline. And after traveling down the rails for another few minutes, the group of engines arrived at a large building with a big gate in the way preventing them from progressing any further near the facility.

"OI, LADS, WE GOT INTRUDERS HERE!" Yelled a zebra guard atop the gate. "Relax Austin, it's just me, Cuba, and the three diesels from Britain." Said the 1400. "Oh, this is a bit embarrassing. Carry on then." Said Austin. And soon enough, the gate was opened and the five engines could move along the tracks into the facility. And to the group's left was a yard where two Class 46 diesels were guarding two other steam locomotives.

One was an orange D16 tender engine with the number 16 on his cab, and the letters N&SCR painted on his tender bold in yellow with red lining. The other was a dark blue K4 Pacific with red wheels and no lettering.

The other engines moved passed the situation, and once inside the facility, the anthro passengers aboard Johnny Cuba's coaches left and were taken through the facility.



I would be lying if I said I didn't feel a little uneasy in the slightest when entering this place. It just really started when we saw a group of diesels roll up from a set of sidings and join our consist. I especially, was afraid of that big diesel with that huge claw. My father calmly reassured me afterwards that the engine wasn't gonna hurt us in any way.

But then I saw the two steam locomotives being held prisoner right outside the building. And now I was starting to question our leader's judgement a whole lot more than I already was.

Anyways, while my father and most of the rest of the adults went off to do work within certain areas of the facility, me and the younger ones were to follow a tour guide through the building. And within the group, I spotted several of the other anthro kids I made friends other back in the bunker. Emmett was the first one I noticed and my siblings at the otter were surprised to see one another. But that would only increase once we found out that he wasn't the only one in my friend group here.

It turns out that Mason, Nikki, Tony, and Peter were all here as well. Each of them stated that they were here mostly for the same reason, their parents had a job here, and they also decided to bring their kids along for the ride. As for our tour guide, he was actually a pretty nice rabbit guy named Finn.

Our tour itself would start with meeting one of the engines we had arrived alongside. It was the blue tank engine who, according to Finn, was the newest of the many 1400 auto tank built by a company referred to as the Great Western Railway situated in another part of the world.

Several of us asked him some questions about his job, and we received some very interesting information from the engine.

He and another 1400 had actually been built on site and the main reason why he had was to cover for another tank engine of the same class that worked on the railway that was in close proximity to us. That engine in question was the 76th 1400 built and since he was the 77th 1400 built, the workers came around to calling him 1477. But the details around the other 1400 tank engine they were meant to replace were classified. But the other 1400, called 1478, built on site was actually to report back by tomorrow or sooner.

ROTWOTA: Book 2 - The Falling City of Anthros Where stories live. Discover now