Hell's Finest (ACT 1 FINALE)

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April 4, 2005 was an stressful night for many anthros all across the South Carolina Anthro community.

Tonight was going to be a dangerous night for those wanting to hunt for two genetically and scientifically engineered bioweapons and a suspected scientist for a massive reward. One of these bioweapons was referred to as 1006, or just called The Beast by her creators.

As for where and what the The Beast was doing, she was simply minding her own business sleeping inside of an old steel mill where she had previously murdered an anthro lion the night before.

However, she was disturbed from her peaceful sleep when she heard the sound of vehicles driving to her from miles away. There's no way they think they can get to me, She thought, confident that she could take on whoever these intruders were. And so she bounded out the front doors of the abandoned building and eventually made it to where the vehicles were located at the time. Sure they all had armor and were all between the trees and all over the place, but she was fast, agile, and deadly. And the predator from hell wasted no time in introducing herself to her guests.

In an instant, all the anthros that had been driving the cars and trucks began honking their horns in an effort to warn the rest of the anthros that were furthur back behind. But they only got so much time to give out a warning.

An upgraded jeep was the first car attacked, and since someone could easily hop in over the door to the jeep, there was nothing that could've stopped 1006 from leaping in and slaughtering all three anthros inside. From there, all the other cars got over to the jeep only to find it flipped over and covered in the remains of the anthros that had been in the jeep.

It was then where all the anthros at the site were on edge and had guns and weapons of all sorts shouting at the beast to come out and fight them. And their taunting must've worked as the beast began going after and attacking several anthros on their own. But it wasn't long before a black van arrived with reinforcements. A Parrot scientist stepped out of the car with other scientists and another jeep showed up with several soldiers who began firing tranquilizer darts into the night.

Eventually, the entire horde managed to take down 1006, albeit still alive since they had given her an entire load of darts. Despite this, by the time it was over, over an entire quarter of the army had been lost before the scientists finally took 1006 and brought her into the back of the van. However, it wouldn't be too long before everything went wrong that started with a conversation between some of the scientists about the events that had recently transpired.

"God damn those idiots, they should've just left it to the professionals then they would all still be alive." Said a Rhino scientist. "True, but now we need to think about what to do with their families as they'll likely try and get us in trouble as we created 1006 which got 5 men and 1 woman killed at least added to her body count." Said a cheetah scientist. "Well, we need to pay them off but we're nearing bankruptcy. And I think I have a solution." Said the rabbit scientist.

"What would that be Lance?" Asked the rhino scientist. "You know how we now have 1006 locked up and her bounty along with all those cloning serums in the back?" Asked Lance. "I know where you're going with this, but are you sure Dr. Martinez will approve of this?" Asked the cheetah scientist. "Cmon, Avery. 1006 and however many twins she produces will likely get us even more cash than expected and we can pay off the lawsuits." Said the rhino. While he was reluctant, Avery agreed to the procedure.

A while later, the rhino and rabbit scientist, named Alan and Lance respectively  had grabbed the cloning serums from their prepared collection and had made their way over to the cage where the unconscious 1006 was sitting in while Avery stayed back for his own safety. On the countdown on 3, the two men jabbed the wolf with the syringes and it instantly woke up and began roaring, screeching, and thrashing around in horrible pain.

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