Survivors, Saviors, but no Happy Ending (3/3 - BOOK 2 FINALE)

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I didn't feel anything after I curled up.

I figured E would have stabbed me with the tendril and kill me from there. Maybe I would be hit so fast that I wouldn't feel anything besides my death. But no, nothing.

However, in the absence of the sense of touch, I could use my hearing still.

And I could hear grunting, the slicing of flesh, and then a scream of agony quickly followed by a horrible squelching sound.

Finally, I slowly opened my eyes, to see E with tentacles coming out from his mouth and a few more areas. But that wasn't all, in front of him, shielding me from the tendrils, was another anthro, but it wasn't just any anthro. No, it was someone I knew, someone the same species as me, someone with orange fur, and someone who I had considered a brother, had died for me.


"Eddie, where are you buddy? You're being reckless at this point!" Said Russell as he traversed through the hallways of he facility. He soon came across the hall that the wolf had chased down Isabella and Rebecca and soon heard growling as he made it halfway through. Then, he began running to see what had gone down.

There, it wasn't long before he made it to the end of the hall where he saw Eddie had cornered two young rabbits girls who looked horrified. Russell didn't notice it at first, but he still felt that something was off about him. "Hey, it's good to see you, but are you ok? Something seems off." He said.

Moments later, Eddie turned and Russell shrieked in horror at the sight of him. Black fur, red eyes, and a higher increase of aggressiveness towards him. It was all there, even as Eddie chased Russell away, which had saved Isabella and Rebecca. "Oh...thank goodness. Now time to find Jenny." Panted Rebecca. "I couldn't agree more, let's see if the others are fine." Said Isabella's she called the others on her radio.

"Yes? We're mostly all ok right now. Who is speaking, over."

"It's us Charles, we're alright, save for what just happened. Anyways, we're wanted to look for our sister as we know she's around here somewhere. Over."

"Oh really, we'll, she may be over here someplace, hiding in one of the rooms, but I'm sure we'll find her. Over."

"Thank you so much. We'll meet you back out front. Over."

But as the call was finishing, some kind of vibrating, or rumbling was heard coming from inside the underground facility, almost like it was an earthquake. It nearly shook Isabella and Rebecca off their feet, but they quickly recovered and ran off to meet with the rest of their group.


Johnny Cuba had already braced it for the end as the tendrils were reaching right for him. His crew had already jumped out and left him for dead, meaning there was no saving him. Or at least, that's what he thought.

Suddenly, a thrown grenade exploded in the thing's face, knocking it back a bit. And following it, there was another anthro solder that shot a flamethrower at the beast which finally scared it off before the 08 shunter showed back up with a small crane coupled up.

"God dammit yes! I knew there was a reason I shouldn't have been bad mouthing you diesels as much as I should." Shouted Johnny Cuba as he sighed in relief. "Hey! We were the backbones of this whole railway operation, but you steamers just get all the attention!" Said the 08.

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