Your Luck has run out (2/3)

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Johnny Cuba's whistled long and loud as he plowed through the remains of the torn down gate barricading the base. This would be followed by several loud horns coming from the diesels following him close behind as they too were a part of this big raid. The big army rushed through everything while taking the human's artillery completely off guard.

Eventually, the engines arrived inside the big gray warehouse where as soon as they got in, the anthros in the utility vans leaped out and chaos ensued. And as the parents of June and her siblings got out, they looked at each other before they began their plans to complete their own missions. "See you when this is done." Smirked Leonard. "Love you too." Said Rachel as she kissed her husband. And so, Leonard kissed as this may be the last possible time they'd get to do so. Shortly afterwards, they got split off to carry out their own parts of the attack.

Suddenly, Cuba's driver got a message on his radio as he heard the voices of one of the other anthros left behind to fight the thing was calling out to them. There was a lot of static, but he could pick up a few things that the anthro on the other end was saying.


And as Rachel was heading towards her destined location with the rest of her team, they saw something. Crashing through the front entrance, came 1478 and one of the two diesels, and shortly afterwards was the thing hot on their tail. It was Shadow, but what was even more disgusting was the sight of a diesel's face being visibly in its jaws and being sucked up like spaghetti as the thing chased after the other two engines on its legs.

But unfortunately, the other 08 diesel being chased would derail after he had gone too fast on a set of points. And the thing was on him in seconds, ripping into him as blood sprayed everywhere. Shortly thereafter, more soldiers began shooting at it.

As for the group inside the interior of the warehouse, they had quickly wiped out the human forces that had been currently at the disposal. However, they once again were treated to another surprise as another group soon discovered them as an anthro cheetah scientist and several other soldiers came out.

This instantly raised tension between the groups. But the cheetah scientist stepped up to explain everything. However, he could only say a few things before everyone in the building heard a loud roar and commotion coming from nearby. More humans were coming, and something else was with them.

Just then, a dark blue tank engine rolled in, its dead black eyes and enormous amount of teeth looking more terrifying than ever. Moments later, it came charging at the group and the soldiers began firing at it, but it did little to slow it down. Taking note of this, Avery and a few others were tempted to run away, even managing to make it quite far, but the thing's tendrils shot towards them, taking out some soldiers before latching onto the legs of escaping anthros, one of which being Avery.

The scientist screamed in terror as the other anthro soldiers relentlessly opened fire on it, trying to free everyone in the grasp of the tendrils. However, this had caught them off guard when several of the human soldiers had shot a whole bunch dead. Leonard was one of them, but luckily, the bullets had only grazed his arm and leg. Another anthro soldier rushed to his aid as the rest began open firing on the human army.

Unfortunately, this left Avery and a few others with nothing and they were dragged away and out of the building by the thing. When they were outside, the beast feasted down on one of the other anthros in its grasp. Avery and the other anthro tried running, but three more tendrils had pinned Avery down while the third ripped the head off of the other anthro before eating it. Avery tried clawing at the tendrils holding his legs down, but it was no use as the thing lifted Avery up above its mouth, blood dripping from its other victims. With there being nothing he could do, Avery screamed in terror as the thing instantly chomped down on his upper half before the sound of chomping of meat and cracking of bones filled the air as the creature ripped the scientist to shreds.

ROTWOTA: Book 2 - The Falling City of Anthros Where stories live. Discover now