Surviving the Sentence

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I was mainly expecting for our parents to barge in as they must've thought we'd be concerned about these sounds, explaining what was going on whilst talking a mile a minute, and everything to all turn out well in the end.

But they never did.

Eventually, the sirens counted like they were coming from right outside our house. And our parents hadn't really come to check on us. That left us to take the matter into our own hands and investigate.

Quietly, without waking up Jake or Julie, we crept out of the bedroom and headed down to the stairs where we did have a good view of the front door. And in the doorway, was our dad chatting with two of the three officers who had come by the day before.

When I made eye contact with them, I could immediately see their stern expressions with our father looking pale as if he had seen a ghost. I was ultimately too curious to not try and find out more on what was going on, and I went down to the front door whilst I heard Jayden calling to me from our room to go back and that it was a bad idea.

But I didn't listen to him, instead, I reluctantly went downstairs to my father and the officers. And out of the corner of my eye, I could see one of them holding what I've heard people call handcuffs.


"WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE'S UNDER ARREST!?" June's father yelled. "We're sorry Mr. Thompson, there could be something we could've missed that could prove her innocence, but when we fully examined all the evidence, there are too many signs pointing right at her!" The fox cop explained sternly.

But before the father could through a response at him, June's mother came out and into the scene. "Leonard! Listen to me, it'll be ok. We can visit her still and eventually find evidence that can prove that she's safe. Just please, don't escalate this!" She said calmly. The father took a deep breath and sighed a solemnly.

"How long will she be in there for?" He asked. "The minimum for her is roughly 15 years of prison, and I know for a fact neither of you will like what worse case scenario is." The hawk cop  answered. The two parents didn't care, but the father went up to the car that his daughter had been locked inside of. He pressed up against the window so the little girl could see him. "Hey listen to me ok, it's gonna be fine, we'll come visit you tomorrow. We'll get you out of there." He said.

The young husky couldn't understand him very well, but she could figure what her dad was saying to her. And it was the only thing she thought about as she was brought over to the prison situated far outside the community.

When brought inside, she was greeted by the rabbit officer from earlier at the front desk. "You know you're really lucky that the sheriff is on an out of town investigation. Otherwise he'll scare you even more than the potential possibility of execution." He laughed. Now June was really scared.

The next few minutes were set with her getting dressed into orange clothing and having pictures taken of her against a wall that measured her height whilst she held a board that officially identified her as a prisoner of the facility. And once all of that was over, she was walked past cells with other prisoners and brought into a prison cell with another leopard officer locking the door behind her, and then walking away chuckling evilly to himself. This then left the young husky girl all alone in the cell, or so she thought.

"Thank goodness, I was getting lonely in here." Said an unfamiliar voice. "What!? Who's there!?" June asked frantically. She turned around to see a young brown furred rabbit boy slightly older than her sitting on the lower bed of a bunk bed looking up at the ceiling. "Who are you?" June asked. The young rabbit sat up and looked at her. "I'm Austin, what are you in here for?" The rabbit asked.

ROTWOTA: Book 2 - The Falling City of Anthros Where stories live. Discover now