Surviving the Ambush and the Wild

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In June's home, everyone was being addressed of the news about what had happened to June, and everyone knew she was innocent but nobody knew how to prove it. "I tried telling her to go back and hide, why didn't she listen?" Jayden asked to himself. "Because that wouldn't change anything except make the job harder for them." Said the father.

"Well, isn't there a way we can still reach her?" Asked Jake. "Yes, there is something called visiting hours where friends and family can talk to you while you're in prison. But it's only going to be once a month so we better make it worth it. And it's not just us going, they should be here soon." Their mother said.

All of a sudden, a knock on the door was heard. "Well, speak of the devil and he appears." Said the father as he went over to the door. Opening it revealed some of June's friends from the bunker when the blast hit. There was Nikki, Peter, Tony, and Ron, all with concerned looks on their faces. "So I suppose you've all heard about what's happened to our sister recently?" Asked Jake. "Yeah, we came as soon as we could." Explained Peter. "But there is one more question we have to ask, when are visiting hours taking place today?" Nikki asked.

"It's gonna be in around 4 or 5 hours so there is still time to get you, Jake and Jayden associated with new jobs." Said the husky father. "Wait, what do you mean by that?" Asked Jayden. "You're going to be helping your sisters' friends since the yard the three of you were working at is under investigation due to what happened yesterday." Explained their mother.

"Ok fine, but wait, if the sabotages are still under investigation, then why was June even thrown in jail to begin with?" Asked Jayden. "Listen son, it is complicated enough to the point to where you should be helping them and let us take care of June. In fact, I hear you boys should be leaving in 15 minutes or less! And I bet you boys haven't even taken showers yet, have you?" The father explained sternly.

20 minutes later, the boys and the other kids were on their way down to the location that everyone was working at. Whilst they still grumbled and complained, they did do their jobs and do them well. Mainly due to the fact that this was the same as yesterday before the sabotage except in a different location. And unfortunately, most of the other workers and engine operators were eyeing the two husky boys with suspicion due to the ties they had to the sabotages. And barely after an hour of this went on, the boys were miserable

It was shortly after 1478 had left with his slow goods that things began to stir between the two husky boys and the other four anthro kids working at the area. "I don't know what's gotten into him, but he's completely different the last time we saw him!" Said Jayden. "Exactly! The single fact that he's the one who saved a few hundred lives makes him a hero that "deserves to be praised for generations to come". Now that's more pathetic than the ones who used to work here." Said Jake.

Peter and Nikki, the ones who the two boys had been talking to, had listened to everything they had to say and decided to give a response to the huskies' complaints. "Ok, first of all, what he did does make him a hero, even if he left the part out that his own actual brother was the one who save the extra push that would've prevented even the smallest number of casualties." Explained Peter. "And he was the one who came up with the idea to get the bomb out of the area so the only problem is that he's just letting everything go to his head, or some box in this case I guess." Said Nikki.

"Oh, so you're just inflating his ego because of something he did on his own. The truth is, WE were the ones who found the bomb in the first place!" Said Jayden. "Oh, and you didn't even try to get the bomb out, or was that why you boys just ran for someone else to deal with it?" Asked Peter. "You both, but YOU in specific Jayden, just gave up the opportunity to try and be a hero and then you two probably wouldn't have to listen to the engine's boasting. Jayden, you would've instantly taken the chance to be well known as a hero, except what 1478 did was more than what you will ever be capable of in your life!" Nikki shouted.

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