The Hunt for 1006

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That night, when the family arrived back to the house, Jayden and Julie were immediately sent up to bed. Obviously, the two had the curiosity to ask why.

"It's so when your mother gets back that she and I can have a bit of a private talk with Jake and June, I'll bring dinner up later." He said.

But when the two kids got sent up to bed, their father's reasoning made them even more confused. What was so private to talk about downstairs? Unless it had something to do with whatever Jake and June saw when they ran off to explore the facility. And they thought that whatever the problem was, it was serious and worth hearing about, regardless if their parents didn't want them to hear about it.

And so they waited for Jake and June to come back up, but they waited for what felt like an eternity, despite only about half an hour passing by. But they did eventually come up, and they would indeed share some very interesting information.


After my mother had come back, thankfully, she wasn't very mad at us like our father was. But when she arrived, she and dad sat us down and explained some very intriguing information that we wanted answers to. Including stuff like the meeting the scientists and businessmen had about experiments called 1006 and 1007 and about the questioning with the silver engine.

But the biggest information was about the strange hairless creatures were actually a species known as humans. And they had been formed as a virus that affected our ancestors which turned them into humans . The ones from the long line of anthros that survived and got away unaffected were now trying to bring everyone back. The only reason there were human in the room was that they were temporarily allowed to stay human under a task to create bioweapons to assist the anthro side in the war. And our parents were trying to find our two older siblings named Cody and Emma who were still human.

We were also told by our mom that there were groups of anthros and special scientists going out to find the experiments that had gone into the wild. And there was a special reward for a total of $5.8 million each.

Jake and I were set up to bed with our dinner to have with Jayden and Julie. Jake just couldn't wait to tell them about the reward for finding these bioweapons and that if we could, we'd be millionaires. Except I was more scared and concerned at the idea since our mother also told us that it was dangerous and forced us to promise them to not go out there looking for them as we could get killed by the subject known as 1006. Jake was the first one to promise he wouldn't go out and join the hunt, but I saw him cross his fingers behind his back.

When we reached the room and as we ate our chicken and noodles, Jayden, being the nosy brother he was, began ripping into us about what we had discovered while Julie did the same thing despite being a lot less aggressive.

So Jake and I told him and Julie only about the meeting we overheard about the bioweapons that escaped into the wild and a scientist named Dr. Leo that had to be tracked down and that all three had a large bounty. And Jayden, ever the opportunist, jumped at the chance with Jake to track down this wanted trio and earn millions. I tried to talk them out of it, but all Jake said was "I think the real question is who's gonna go and earn respect and who's gonna stay behind and be chickens?"

It was then I had an internal crisis, if my two brother go while Julie and I stay here and they're successful, I'm gonna have to live the rest of my days down while they're going to rub in it my face. That and the factor if we succeeded at this, we had the potential to earn at least $5.8 million. And so, I made up my mind. "Alright, if you guys go, I'll go with you."

Our plan was to sneak out through our bedroom window and go through the forest where we sneak over the gate surrounding our area and go past the city which was announced as off limits for us at the time being. From there, we'd sneak off into the forest and try to bring either 1006, 1007, and Dr. Leo back with us and we would then have a great story to tell our family and friends when we got back home. Luckily, our plan followed through exactly as planned and before we knew it, we were in the forest looking among the many others trying to find these experiments and scientist.

ROTWOTA: Book 2 - The Falling City of Anthros Where stories live. Discover now