Operation: Brigade of Kid Misfits (1/3)

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Afterwards, their reactions were intriguing to June, as she didn't know what the letter said. But Jayden soon broke the silence. "You know, this seems nice. Dangerous, but I figure we'd be the perfect ones for the job." He said. "I think so as well, I mean, I'm glad I only have to help save prisoners. But I think according to you June, we can definitely pull this off." Said Julie. "Personally, I'd have to say we'll be heroes after this." Said Jake.

He then stepped right up to June. "Trust us, we'll be there for you, even in the worst and darkest of times. You've proven that you can be adventurous even when others think it's not ideal." He said. It only made June smile and hug her twin. It was then that Jayden brought up another point. "Yeah, sorry to burst your bubble and plan that'll almost certainly get us all killed. But when are we supposed to be leaving?" Asked Jayden.

Suddenly, Peter swung open the door and peeked into the room alongside Cleo, startling everyone else. Right now." He said. "Well, speak the devils name and he appears." Said Julie, chuckling and lightly punching Jayden's shoulder. "Hey, I didn't know it would be them!" Said Jayden. "Well, like Jayden said, how? And did you know about this plan?" Asked June.

"Yeah actually, Avery told me about it yesterday and I passed it onto Cleo when she arrived." Peter said. "I get that, but what about your arm?" Asked Julie. "Are you sure you'll be ok?"

"The doctors said I should be fine as long as I don't do much crazy stuff with it." Peter assured. Just then, more unidentifiable soldiers came in, ordering everyone that they had to go.

After leaving the room, they were escorted to a truck where half of the big group of kids were. And afterwards, they were on their way. And as the group of huskies were sitting with everyone else including Emmett, Tony, Austin, Peter and Cleo, Avery then came out with others as a celebration. The kids were then poured some ice water, which was an alternative to alcohol, to then make a toast. For that, all four husky kids looked at each other and smiled. "For all we lost." Said Jake. "Slash for all that may not make it." Said Jayden. "Slash for all that we make proud." Said Julie.

June proudly smiled to her siblings among everyone else. "Slash for all that is right." She chuckled. And they clang their glasses together for a toast.


Meanwhile, there was another preparation going on back at the camp involving the kids' parents.

"I hope they understand what we're getting into, if anyone else told them. We may not be able to warn them of danger and going out of our sight in this war." Said Leonard. "It's ok Leonard. I know someone who can take care of them if we don't make it back. And even though we didn't get to hug and kiss them goodbye. We have a good army with us that can make sure we return home to them." Said Rachel.

Just then, one of the other anthro soldiers came up to the two. "You two ready to go?" He asked. "Yup, we're pretty much ready to accept our fate." Said Rachel. "Hey, listen, most of us know full well you would die for your offspring like most parents would to protect their kids. But we're not letting that happen, because we'll protect you all and get out as many prisoners as we can." He said. The two parents then chuckled at one another before looking back at the soldier. "Love the pep talk Patrick. But I'm sure we'd be going soon?" Asked Leonard. "Affirmative sir. Let's get going." He said. Red

Soon enough, the two were brought into a van with many others geared up for a mission, which was only one force of many when compared to the rest of the consist.

In the front was a truck with a small group armed with pitchforks, knives, axes, and more, prepared to take on any engine that buffered up to the train in the front. Then was a flatbed to widen the distance for more protection, and behind that was Johnny Cuba armed with a truck shield and driven by two experienced officers. Then there was two utility vans behind Cuba carrying roughly two dozen anthros in each, one group for shooting, and the other for breaking in and saving prisoners or causing massive damage. And in the back was a brake van who had the exact same job as the group in front. Then there were diesels who had snowplows who were armed for extra support and to make sure they could get their hands on a secret formula created by the humans that had an unconfirmed purpose as of when this operation would take place.

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