The Stories of the Silver Scavenger, No.8, and 1478

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April 3, 2005

"Wake up little sleepyhead."

Kelly slowly opened her eyes to her twin brother Keith right beside her in the same shed as her alongside their other friend who was an orange D16 named Diego. "Get a room you two." grumbled. "Hey, we're not like that, she's my twin sister you know." Said Keith.

"It's ok guys, I'm up." Yawned Kelly. "Oh, alright, that's great. Anyways Mr. Hugh told me you're working at the rock quarry today. Ok?" He asked. Kelly felt downcast at the news. She hated working at the quarry. But she didn't want to get on her controller's bad side, so she set off without a complaint.

A few hours later, Kelly was at the quarry stuck with all the dust being kicked up and all the heavy machinery operating in the area. But the trucks were worst of all as they were extra pestering today.

"We don't want you! We want Nicholas, or Shiloh, or Jerome, or maybe even your brother!" They chanted. Kelly tried her best not to let them get to her, but she was nearly at her breaking point. Her crew, Flynn and Robin, did want to try and distract her from the trucks, but they didn't really make it better regardless of what they said.

But it was during 9 am that hell broke loose.

Suddenly, sirens were blaring which sent everyone in the quarry into a panic, especially Kelly who was sent into the back of a shed in the quarry. This was followed seconds later by a loud explosion off in the distance. By now, the three in the shed along with other workmen were now really afraid.

It all seemed over after that, but minutes later, Kelly heard another whistle in the distance as the engine came flying into the quarry. It was Owen with a passenger train, and his brakes had failed. Kelly wanted to help him, but it was already too late. Seconds after he came flying in and screaming, the 4300 was diverted into a siding with some trucks and a tanker of the petroleum the vehicles ran on.

Another explosion rang throughout the quarry, this one being much closer, and coupled with the fact that Owen stopped screaming, it was safe to assume he was gone.

It was only until about a few hours later that anyone in the shed dared to even try to go outside due to the radiation, and frankly, no one felt safe in the shed. And during that time, someone with a radio tuned into a broadcast from a scientist who was being sent to investigate the accident of the power plants explosion.

The scientist in question, Dr. Michelle Cooper, stated that it was unsafe to not stay in your home unless it was insecure and easy to break into. She also warned any humans not to come into contact with anyone with animal like features whatsoever. Everyone was concerned and confused at what she meant by that last point, but they still took her other steps into account and did their best to make sure the quarry was secure. But the afternoon soon turned into late night, and before they knew it, it was 11 PM.

Everyone in the quarry including Kelly had done their best to shield off the entrance to the quarry and make sure the area was secure. However, it soon wouldn't even care to matter.

"KELLY! KELLY! WAKE UP NOW!" Yelled a voice calling the young 5700's name. "Huh? What is it guys?" Kelly asked, realizing it was the voice of her crew. "Listen, we need to get out of here right now!" Yelled her firewoman. "What? What is it?"

Questions were flooding the panniers smoke box and she already had no answer to any of them. "Look, we can't explain right now other than were being attacked! Now we have to get out of here!" Yelled Flynn as he drove Kelly out of the shed.

But when Kelly saw outside the shed, she found many of the workers fighting off what looked like humans, but they were mostly covered in fur, feathers, and even a few scales and wearing some armor and soldier outfits. But regardless of her they looked like, Kelly still quickly grabbed several vans and packed as many workers into the vans as she could.

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