The Humans Attack

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11:27 AM - April 6th, 2005 - 5 minutes before the attack

Just a few hours ago, 1477 had been examined for damages after what had happened to him the day before, however the only problem was that he just had gotten his bunker burned which wasn't all that bad.

The day from there was relatively normal, but the best was that 1477 was allowed to pull a small stopping train due to another smaller diesel not being able to do so. So even though he wasn't even given a small tutorial on how to properly pull a passenger train for the first time, with him being a fast learner, everything was like a walk in the park. Except he still had something on in his mind.

When he pulled into the second station of the trip, his bear driver Marshall seemed to notice what the auto tank was anxious about. "You're worried about yesterday aren't you?" He asked. "Well, yeah of course, it's been several days of nothing and soon enough we nearly get ourselves and many others blown to pieces. Who knows how long before the humans try something else that'll possibly be even worse?" He asked aggressively.

"Come now, old boy. At minimum it'll probably be a couple of days and at most. Heck, they might not be bothering us for at least a year." Said his driver Charlie. 1477 just rolled his eyes.

All of a sudden, the three and the other passengers heard the sudden horn of another diesel coming their way. It was the one referred to as Number 12, and he seemed to be in a rush as he raced through the station. But it was what he yelled to everyone at the station that changed everything. "1477! EVERYONE! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!" He yelled as he rushed passed with the coaches trailing behind him.

While most took his warning into consideration and began slightly panicking, others including Charlie just brushed it off. "Ugh, what's got him in such a hurry?" He asked. But the ferret's question would soon be answered rather unpleasantly as gunfire was heard in multiple directions mere seconds later.

Instantly, several anthro passengers dropped dead on the station platform giving the rest the clear indication that they had to move. "HOLY SHIT! LETS GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!" Yelled 1477. Everyone quickly hopped aboard the train, even those who weren't even meaning to take it in the first place, and the train was off in a matter of moments.

As 1477 sped down the mainland going at top speed, he and his crew heard gunfire and explosions just off the line all around them. But worst of all, when the train passed by a yard just off to their side, they saw Number 12, or what was left of him, burning in a siding amidst the screaming of the many anthro passengers alongside the burning class 42.

But aside from being shocked after finding a diesel along with many other anthro passengers dead, the group still had to press on being pursued by the human military.

Eventually, they passed by another line that steered towards the nearby port. 1477 also saw 1478 with slow goods heading in that direction. He desperately tried warning his brother, but was unable to as the other 1400 was diverted onto the other line.

All of a sudden, shortly after 1478 was diverted onto the line leading to the port, Johnny Cuba came out of nowhere and headed towards the military with a rail gun at hand. "CUBA! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!?" Yelled 1477. The Australian's eyes then locked eyes with the dark blue 1400. "IM BUYING YOU TIME, JUST GO ILL BE FINE!" Yelled Cuba.

Despite having guilt for leaving him behind, 1477 pressed onward until he reached the nearby tunnel where he figured he'd be safe. When inside, he and everyone else in the train was able to take a breather.

"My god I knew this would happen! And you guys didn't listen to me!" 1477 shouted. "I know and we're sorry for not believing you!" Said Marshall. "And I mean if anything we kind of jinxed it." Said Charlie.

ROTWOTA: Book 2 - The Falling City of Anthros Where stories live. Discover now