~ Imagine 1 ~

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My phone vibrates in my jean pocket, I ignore it. I walk down the pavement the flashing lights making my head ring. Another vibration, whoever is calling wont give up. I scoff and turn a sudden corner, I lean against the wall one leg propped up, flat. I take my phone out of my pocket carefully I look at the contact. 'Mum.' I roll my eyes and answer it, "What now. I'm busy." 

"Whatever. I need you to come back now." 
"I can't I've got to get to this meeting. It's important."
"Like I give a shit. Get back here now. Cancel the interview."

I look at the paparazzi, then at my bodyguard. I gesture with my head for him to come over. "Could you block their view, just for a moment." I whisper holding the speaker on my phone. He nods and gives a very slight smile pushing his glasses further towards his eyes with his ring finger. He steps in the way of their camera and once they try to move to get a photo he steps in the way as well. 

"Fine, I will. What I don't get is what's so fucking important, more important then this meeting."
"You'll find out when you get home, brat."
"Alright. Fine."

"Hey, could you go get the chauffeur informed that I'm gonna head back."
"I will, what about the meeting ma'am, no disrespect, but isn't it very essential you attend."
"I need to head home. I'll reschedule don't worry about it."
"Yes ma'am."

He walks away and taps on the car window gently, I hear faint whispers; very  faint whispers. He turns back around and gives me a thumbs up. He heads around the side of the vehicle, opens the full black door and climbs in. The chauffeur comes around to open the wide door for me. I nod a thanks as I gracefully step in sitting down at the back. She goes back to the drivers seat climbing in and starting the engine. I sit back and call my manager as soon as the limousine rushes through the busy city. 

My manager - James - Answers with one ring, "Oh, hi, your supposed to be in a meeting, why are you calling?" He speaks, rather loudly actually, his thick British accent poking through occasionally. "Oh, uhm. My mum wanted me to head to hers. I had to ditch, I swear I had no choice, I was going to go, I swear. Anyways, could you ring them and cancel. Please." I rush my words turning every sentence into a mix of words, unrecognisable ones. "Don't stress about it Y/n. Whatever your mum wants is probably important. I'll call them for sure and cancel it. It's fine. We will have it under control." I sigh in relief, I really hope they understand, I mean I get it if they don't. But still. "Thanks, I have to go, I'm at my mum's. I'll talk to you soon I suppose?" I question slightly, we had scheduled to go to the studio after the meeting finished. I still think that we're still on for that. "Yeah, make sure you can go to that though. It's extremely important. We need to finish that album." I nod and hum a, "Yes." James hangs up, the door flings open and I climb out using the top of the car to help me get out. 

I ring the door bell and step back waiting for my wreck of a mother to invite me inside 'pleasure fully.' I look behind me, the car waiting for my signal to leave, eyes on me. The door creaks as it opens making me turn back to the front of me. I see my tired mum standing in the door way unpleased. "You called?" I bitterly spit. "I did. In, now." I nod slightly, she sourly pushes me in. I turn around and give my chauffer a thumbs up. She speeds off and onto the road in front of mum's house. 

I throw my shoes off and slouch, relaxing on the couch. "This better be fucking worth it. I have time to waste." She sits, her posture: perfect. She places her hands on her thighs and glares at me. I sit up, rolling my eyes at her then turn my head to the side seeing her dog. I pat the floor, "Iris! Come girl!" I order and she runs into my arms, I smile and look back at my mum. "You were saying?" She scoffs and leans forward, "You need to be more lady-like. Sit properly, wear... Clothes at least. Your in like lingerie at the moment, then once you've done that, wear woman clothes. Look presentable." I exaggerate my exhale turning into a deep sigh, "Right, you need to get a boyfriend, rich. We need publicity at the moment we are heading down hill with that. You need drama. The public eat off that." 

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