~ Imagine 4 ~

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Prompt: "How long have you been fucking her?!" 
Tw: Mentions of drugs, alcohol.

I walk into my house which I share with my girlfriend and dump my things on the kitchen counter. I just walk around the house pottering around doing practically nothing. I hear a muffled moan but think nothing of it. I rethink that when I hear whispering, not one but two people coming from mine and my girlfriends room. My head spirals with shit it could be, I pray it's not the one I think it is. I exhale shakily, not sure what to think. 

I open the door to the room and see my girlfriend on top of someone else, Naked. I roll my eyes and slam the door, She wraps herself in a blanket and runs after me. I don't know what I feel, Angry? Sad? Annoyed? Betrayed? I don't fucking know, I couldn't think about it so I resort to anger, It's easier. 

She runs up behind me and grabs my hand. I turn around, and she locks eyes with me. "I swear it wasn't what you think it was!" I shake my head. "If lies keep spewing from those lips, I'm walking out that door." She looks at me, "I'm sorry! I didn't mean-" "Shut up. You think this'll make me let you stay?" She stutters to get words out of her mouth I tilt my head. Someone walks out of the room glares at her, I open the door for them then slam the door behind them. "Leave." She looks at me panicked. "Do you ever listen? I said leave." She turns to the door her eyes watery. "I'll bring your stuff later." She starts to walk out of the door and towards her car. "One question. How long have you been fucking her?" She spins around to me, and is speechless. "I- uhm." I shrug and slam the door. 

I slide down the door my head in my hands. Fuck. I stand up and walk to the kitchen, my eyes puffy and one tear rolls down my cheek. I grab some tequila, I didn't pay attention to which one it was. I poured it into a glass and chugged it, I poured some more a gulped that down as well, I kept pouring more and more before getting some pills out of the cupboard. I didn't realise what I was doing until Dua opened the door and ran up to me snatching the pills off the counter in front of me. "How much off these did you take?" I just shrugged and poured more tequila in my glass. I swallowed that the burning actually soothing my throat. I hum and start to pour more but she smacks it out of my hand. I glare at her and go to get more from the cupboard again. She runs around and shuts the cupboard. "Seriously Y/n? I thought we where over this already. I shrugged once again and went to another cupboard. I got out some cigarettes and a lighter, I took one out of the pack and brought it to my mouth, I lit it with the lighter. I inhale the smoke and hold it in my mouth before exhaling. She takes the cigars and lighter, "What are you doing?" "What do you think I'm doing?" "Being an idiot, Now put that down and tell me what's going on. I'm not leaving until you do." I furrow my eyebrows, "Nothing much. She cheated on me that's it." She stares at me sympathetically before putting everything on the counter. "You should've called me instead of doing this." I shrug and sit on the counter top. She walks to me and sits next to me. "Your really hot." "And your really drunk." She hops down and I hop down after her. 

She starts to walk away but I grab her hips gently. "Y/n, your drunk." I smirk and look at her lips. "Maybe, but I still think your fit." She takes my hands off of her. "Please just kiss me, once." She turns around and pecks me on the lips. I pull her closer to me and prolong the kiss. Once I pull away she sticks her tongue out, "Ew, you taste like weed and alcohol." I roll my eyes.  

~ Dua Lipa Short Imagines ~Where stories live. Discover now