~ Imagine 7 ~

872 5 0

Base: cooking with Dua 
This is a shitty one so don't read :)
(Unfinished because I can't be arsed) 

I jump down from the counter, "Dua?" I call out. "Yeah?" She walks around the corner with her tea. "Hailee just invited us to a party, can we go?" She looks at her watch on her right wrist, "What time?" I shrug and start to type back to Hailee. 'What times the party?' She starts typing immediately. 'Uhm 10:30.' I nod and look up, "Ten thirty." She smiles, "Uhm yeah sure. Where?" I shrug, "Dunno. Hailee's picking us up." I lock eyes with her and she walks over to me, she slides past me and goes into the kitchen. I follow her, "Okay, what times she picking us up?" I go silent and look back at my phone. "I have a slight feeling your planning this right now." I giggle, "Just a slight? 10:15." She turns around as she finishes pre-heating the oven. "Okay." I jump back onto the counter. "Y/n. I'm trying to cook here." I sigh, "Cook around me then." She takes my hand and pulls me down. "Can I help? Pleaseee." She opens the cupboard which was above my head. "Nope." I groan, "Why not?" She laughs, "Because you get in the way." I pout and open the fridge taking out an apple. I bite it aggressively and strut away. I flop onto the couch and grunt. "Fine. You can help." I smile and run over to her. She passes me the butter, "could you way it please?" I nod and take the butter from her, I take the scale out of the cupboard to my left and put it down on the counter. I put the butter on it and see how much that is. I cut some butter off and place it in a bowl that Dua just put next to me as I forgot to. Perfect. I take the bowl to Dua, "What do I do now?" She takes the bowl and smiles, "Thanks, measure the milk please." I get the milk out of the fridge and a measuring jug. I pour the milk carefully and sit on the floor looking up at the jug, it was almost perfect so I poured the tiniest bit out and bullseye bitches.   

~ Dua Lipa Short Imagines ~Where stories live. Discover now