~ Imagine 2 ~

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Prompt: "Pay attention to me." 

I sit back in the chair, which is actually quite comfy. My thoughts wonder off to my best friend, I've been questioning my feelings for her, at first I thought it was totally platonic. Now I'm not so sure now. 

"Y/n? Y/n?" I hear and snap back into reality again I smile awkwardly, "Sorry, I'm back." He laughs and puts his hands in front of him on his desk, "What where you thinking about?" He smirks and I look down and blush, "Nothing..." I mutter and cross my legs, I chuckle nervously. I think I was giving it away. "Mhm. So, on twitter you responded to some shade that Justin Bieber was giving you. Let me just pull up some pictures." Pictures of my response and his post showed on the big screen behind us letting everyone see. I would be surprised if they hadn't already, the conversations spread like wild fire. I smirked and nodded slowly. "It reads, 'I swear don't see the hype with Y/n. She's just a fucking simple ass bitch. No different to everyone else in this fucking world.' And you responded with, 'Mhm, so we gonna ignore 2014? Yk The racist shit you posted?'" I nod, "My question is, did he reply?" I smile and laugh slightly. I nod once and turn around to the crew, "Could one of you get my phone please?" I turn back to him, "Not publicly, but he did dm me." I get handed my phone and show him the messages, "You don't seem too bothered." I shrug, "I was in British high school, I'm fine." I earned a laugh from some of the audience. "I'm not sure I should show these, but thank you." I nod once again and someone comes up to me to take the phone away. I hand it to them and smile, "Thank you." James smirks and I know exactly what he's doing. "Oh shit. Shit, sorry I'm not allowed to say that. Shoot sorry again." Corden just laughs and goes along with it. "I know you think you know what I'm about to ask. But you have it wrong Y/n." I widen my eyes, "I'm more scared now?" I kinda hint that he should tell me what we are doing. "Okay, so, how do you feel, about watching some edits of you?" I laugh and turn to my manager, "Could I go home now please?" I joke and the audience laughs. "Your never leaving. Until we're done watching these." I sigh and turn around. "Fine" I drag the 'e' and sit back. Scared. 

One edit started to play and I turned to watch it. I laughed at the sound as it was an extract from 'Go Girl' by Pitbull to me running my hand through my hair, I didn't even notice I was doing that. James laughs and turns it off, he turns around to me, "How do you feel about that one." I nodded, "I looked fit." I replied bluntly. He carries on with the interview until coming up with this question, "So Y/n. You and Dua. What's going on with that?" I sigh, "We're best mates that's all." He shakes his head, "Mhm because best friends share a house and are ALWAYS together, like never apart." "Yep." 

After I had gotten out of the interview and into my car, I got a call from my mum, "Are you free right now?" I shook my head, "I mean maybe depends." She sighs, "If your too busy it's fine don't worry about it, this can be done anytime this month really." I smile, "Okay, I have to go. Bye love you mum." "Love you too Y/n." I hang up and set my phone down. I just relax until the car pulls up to me and Dua's shared house. I open the front door and set down my bags on the floor I pull out my phone and start to reply to all my business E-mails. I subconsciously walk past Dua without saying hello or anything. I walked into my room and opened my laptop, I began to continue replying to E-mails and filling in paper work which was sat there on my desk, staring at me, I'm sure some of them where overdue but whatever. The door to my room opened then slammed to a close which I didn't notice as I was too stuck into this formal letter I had write as they wrote to me first. I curse under my breath as I forgot what I was going to write a minute before. 

A pair of arms wrapped around my neck and I turned around, I saw Dua standing there looking at what I was doing, I continued what I was doing before as I thought nothing of it. I felt her hot breath on my neck which sent a shiver down my spine; I brushed it off and continued. I scrunched up the piece of paper and chucked it onto the ground, I got another piece out and started to re-write the last letter, but better. Dua sighed and let go off me, she went and sat down on my bed, taking her phone out. I heard her sigh louder, I knew she wanted me to say something, so I did. "You okay?" I asked. "Fine." She replied rather coldly. I focused on what I was doing again. She grunted. I smirked, I knew what I was doing and I enjoyed it. 

I heard the bed move and footsteps approach me. Dua came in front of me and straddled my lap, she moved my hands to her hips, her were around my neck. "Dua, I need to focus. It's important." She takes the pen out of my hand and chucks it across the room, "Pay attention to me." She commands. I smugly smile, "And what if I don't?" She leans in and whispers in my ear, "I'll make you." Her words send Goosebumps across my body. I take a firm hold of her hips and bring her closer to me where her face is practically touching mine. "Kiss me." I demand. Her soft lips attach to mine and I hum as her hands run down my back. 

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