~ Imagine 13 ~

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I lay down on the hotel bed, under the covers scrolling through tiktok on my phone. I hear a knock on my door and stand up slowly, I open the door and smile. "Hey hails, what do you need?" She walks into the room and dramatically falls onto my bed. "I hate my life." I look around the room. "Okay?" She narrows her eyes at me, "Your meant to help!" I shrug, "What am I meant to say? Oh yeah, me too. It'll get better? It probably wont but whatever." She sits up. "Your horrible at advice, you know that right?" I nod, "You wanna go get drinks?" She stands up and smiles, "More like it. Your getting the hang of this." I follow after her. She calls the lift and stands there for a bit before the metal doors open and she walks in, I run after her. "Your really fast you know that?" She looks in the mirror and fixes her hair, "Your paying, you know that?" I laugh, "I assumed." She turns to me, and hums, I scrunch my eyebrows, "Oh yeah, you and Dua are sharing a room." I widen my eyes as she turns away, "What!" I say surprised, the doors open and she just shrugs. "It's what it is. Now can we hurry up." 

We make it to the bar and I'm still shocked. I decide to not have alcohol and to just have some Pepsi. "Your boring. Why wont you drink?" I take a sip of my drink and just shrug. I have a really bad headache and I hold my head, Hailee notices, "You need to go back to your room?" She kinda suggests. "Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow." She nods, "Be careful." I walk to the lift and close my eyes to relieve the pain. The lift pings open, I open my eyes and smirk. I snicker to myself. My head didn't hurt I just saw Florence and wanted to set them up.  

I enter my room and take the wine bottle and glass out of the basket they provided. I pour myself a glass and sit on the bed taking a sip. The hotel door swung open, I lead my attention to who just entered. Dua walks over to me after taking another wine glass, I pour her a drink. "Hey." I say calmly. I'm surprised I was able to even speak. She turns to me and smiles, "Hey, there's only one bed?" I realise and turn around, "Oh yeah." I say, "Fuck you Hailee." I mumble. "I'll go on the floor." I suggest. She shakes her head, "We can share, it's quite a big bed." I nod and smile, my cheeks lighting a light red. "Oh yeah, there's a party tonight, you wanna go?" She thinks, "Yeah sure."

I lay down in the bed, Dua stares at me. I grin, "You alright there?" She shakes her head then nods looking at her wine glass. I crawl over to her and I turn her head towards me. She moves her body so she's directly facing me. We lock eyes and I cup her face before kissing her. I pull away, "I've wanted to do that since forever." I whisper under my breath. She blushes, a lot. "Me too." 

~ Dua Lipa Short Imagines ~Where stories live. Discover now