~ Imagine 9 ~

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I lean against the back of my leather seat, I wait until my chauffeur opens the door for me, I step out of the limousine and the flashing lights of the paparazzi flood my face. My fans scream trying to get my attention and I sign my signature for the ones closets to me. I wave to some at the back. I enter the building, a bouncer holding the door open for me. I smile at them. I get escorted into a room. I turn the corner and see Dua. Her eyes lock with mine. Everyone knows I've liked her since we met. She approaches me, "I was beginning to think you weren't coming." I smirk, "I wouldn't miss it." She holds the door open for me and I enter the room. I look around the room, I know everyone here. I turned back to Dua who was standing behind me. She was already staring at me. I blush slightly realising but shake it off. "See something you like?" Now her face turns red. She tries to speak but just stutters. "I'm going to go say hi to.. Gigi. I'll catch up with you later." Dua walks away and I walk over to Hailee who nudges me to turn around so I do. I see Dua as she quickly spins around. I see Gigi grinning and  probably teasing her. "You guys should so date." Hailee says to me. "That's the first thing you say to me?" I chuckle. She nods and laughs, "You guys should though." I shrug and my face starts to heat up. She smirks at me. I turn around and see Dua walking up to us. Hailee moves her eyebrows up and down taunting me. Dua smiles at Hailee, "Would you guys like to play truth or dare with us?" I nod, "Yeah, now?" She now nods. I turn to Hailee and she agrees. We follow Dua towards Gigi, Bella, Hailey and a few other people. We all sit in a circle, everyone agreed to go clockwise starting with Gigi. She smirks and shares a glance with Hailee who is also smirking. I knew what they were going to do and I was fine with it. "Dua truth or dare?" Dua thinks for a moment, "Truth." Gigi grins, "Who do you like?" Her face lights up red and she clears her throat. "Do I have to answer?" Gigi nods, "Uhm, I- Y/n." She mumbles. Gigi hums, "Who?" She gulps, "Y/n." My eyes widen. She turns to me and my a light blush spreads across my face. Dua starts to speak, "Uhm, Hailey, truth or dare?" Hailey looks caught of guard, "Truth." I groan, another truth. "What's the most embarrassing thing your parents have caught you doing?" Hailey nervously laughs, "Uhm, well my mum walked in on me and Justin-" "Okay, that's enough explanation." Hailee buts in laughing. Hailey's turn. "Hailee truth or dare?" Hailee sits up, "Dare." Hailey laughs, "Put on make-up without a mirror." Hailee giggles and I hand her some make-up remover and Bella hands her some make-up. She first removes her make-up and starts to apply concealer. She does quite well, then she starts to apply mascara which she failed miserably at. She applies lipstick terribly and I giggle. She hands my make up remover to me and poses. I take a photo and chuckle at the photo. Hailee smiles and turns to me. I sigh. "Y/n, I dare you to..." She thinks and then her smile turns into a smug one. "Turn Dua on, but you have to sit on her lap." I widen my eyes and blush. "She doesn't have to do much to turn Dua on." Gigi says giggling. Dua hits her lightly. I walk over to Dua and she nods. I straddle her lap and our eyes connect. I swing my arms around her neck and lean towards her ear. "Meet me in the toilets, 5 minutes." I whisper and she nods her face glowing a bright red. 

~ Dua Lipa Short Imagines ~Where stories live. Discover now