~ Imagine 6 ~

963 8 0

Prompt: "Your going to be fine don't worry about it."
Base: Her meeting your family for the first time.
Crossover with the Kardashians and this so yeah :)

"Are you ready?" She sighs, "Ready as I could ever be." I smile, "Your going to be fine don't worry about it. If I love you then they're going to love you too." I kiss her on her head and rub my thumb over her hand which is held by mine. "I love you." She smiles, "I love you too." 

We walk up to my sister's front door and I knock on the door. I step back, I squeeze Dua's hand as I could tell she's anxious. Khloe opens the door and smiles, I hug her and she steps back to let us in. "Your Dua, right?" Dua nods and smiles nervously. "Y/n talks about you all the fucking time. I'm Khloe." Dua blushes, "Hi." She exhales. I wrap my arms around her from behind and pull her closer to me. "It's alright." I whisper, I tuck her hair behind her ear. "Awe. I'll introduce you to everyone else." Dua nods and I let her go, she follows behind Khloe and I take her hand. 

"Everyone this is Dua, Y/n's girlfriend." She taunts me and my cheeks heat up slightly. Everyone says hi and we sit down at the table. She sits next to me, I smirk as I stare at her. "So Dua, where are you from?" She smiles, "I was born in London but then when I was 11 my family and I moved to Kosovo and then I moved to London on my own when I was 15 to live with a friend." Kim smiles, "I love your songs by the way." Her eyes light up and I smile, "Thank you." 

After a while of talking and eating Dua had gotten more comfortable. "So have you and Y/n had sex yet?" I glare at Khloe and she just shrugs. "Uhm, yeah?" I sink into my chair, I look at Kendall who hasn't said anything yet. She's just staring at Dua. I glare at her, "Give her a chance." I mouth to her. She turns away from me and leans back in her chair. I signal to her to come with me. "Excuse us for a second." I walk away and kiss Dua on the head as I do. Kendall follows me. ]

"Give her a chance." She sighs, "I don't trust her." I roll my eyes, "You don't trust anyone, but please. I love her and if you got to know her you would too." She exhales deeply. "Fine, whatever. But only because you said so." I smile and walk back into the room. I take a hold of Dua's hand and squeeze it. She turns to me and smiles. "I love you." I whisper. She smiles. "I love you too." 

~ Dua Lipa Short Imagines ~Where stories live. Discover now