~ Imagine 5 ~

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Prompt: "I was only talking to him."
Base: She gets jealous at a party

We step out of my car and I take her hand as she trails behind me, we walk into the building and I turn my head to the left to see her. she smiles at me and I smile back. I rub my thumb on the back of her hand as she walks beside me. Once we get inside I get called over by Hailee and I slide my hand out of her grasp. She walks away to where Gigi is standing with Bella. I walk over to Hailee and she pulls me in for a hug. She smirks and looks at Dua, I roll my eyes, "We're just really close friends." "Mhm." A waiter comes up in front of us to offer us drinks. "Would any of you lovely ladies want a drink?" I smile, "What drink is it?" He looks at the drink and raises his right eyebrow. "I think it's a margarita, I'm not too sure. Shit. Gonna get fired." I laugh and take a drink, "Sounds like a great drink." He laughs and I take a sip of the drink. I hum, it tastes really nice actually. Like apple? Or pear? "It's nice. Thanks." He smiles, "I'm a really big fan by the way. Do you think you could sign my arm so I can get it tattooed? I know it's weird but it'll be so fucking awesome." I smirk and tilt my head a bit. "Yeah sure, the wrist?" He nods and hands me a pen. I take the tray out of his hands and put it on the table. I take the lid off the pen and start to write my signature on his wrist. "This is like, wow, star struck." He sings star struck and I laugh, I finish off the signature. "Am I allowed another drink?" He nods and stares at the signature. I giggle as he just stares at it in awe. 

I turn to find Dua in the room, she was already glaring at me. I smirked, I realised what was happening. She starts to walk over to me and I turn back to the waiter. "Could I fix you collar, it's a bit off." He tilts his head, "Yeah, thanks." I walk up to him and start to pull the white shirt flap thingy's over the black suit. I go behind him and fix the back. I walk back in front of him, "Now you look presentable. Not like you weren't before, but still." He nods and smiles. I step back and take another drink. "Fuck these are good." I set it down on the table, I run my hand through my hair. Dua comes up to me and intertwines our hands. I smugly smile as I turn to her, I swing my arms around her waist, she glares at me. "I'll be right back." I say to him. I take Dua's hand and lead her into the bathroom. I lock the door. "I don't want you near him." I shrug, "I was only talking to him." She rolls her eyes, "You were flirting with him." I smirk, "Your jealous." "I'm not jealous." "Your so jealous." She pushes me against the wall and kisses me roughly, I grip onto her waist and slam her against the wall. "We're finishing this tonight." She inhales deeply, "Why not now?" I bite my lip, "because then everyone will hear you scream my name." She swings her hands over my neck. "I'm okay with that." 

~ Dua Lipa Short Imagines ~Where stories live. Discover now