~ Imagine 15 ~

656 10 0

(The ones longer than usual)

I looked around the room, the music blasting loudly. It was overwhelming. The aroma of alcohol floated in the air, usually I wouldn't mind this. But I really wasn't in the mood, Dua had left me to go with Gigi somewhere. I was sitting on the couch sipping some champagne. I sigh and put the glass down, I stand up slowly and head over to where I thought Gigi and Dua could be, luckily they were there. I walked over to them, Gigi smiled at me and I slightly smiled back, Dua turned around to see who she was smiling at. "Oh, hey." She spoke. "Hey, I'm going to head back." I say looking around the room looking for where I was before, when I couldn't see it I shrugged and faced her. "Already?" I nod, "Are you sure?" I nod once again. She smiles, "Okay, I'll talk to you later then?" She practically asks, "Yeah." I confirm. I turn around and walk towards the exit. I took my keys out of my bag and unlocked my car. I climb into the car and just sit down, confused. She acts like I'm someone she hardly talks to in public and it annoys me. I take a deep breath and lean back, I pear over to the beer in my rear view mirror. I think about it before leaning over and opening a can, I chug it, the cold liquid flowing down my throat. I put the empty can on the passenger seat. The parking lot was silent except for the drowned out sound of music. I closed my eyes, I reached for another can and gulp that one down as well, then the next one, and the next. I look back at all the empty cans and widen my eyes, shit. I did not know I had drank that many. I get out one more and sip on this one, my head feels fuzzy. I get out of my car and sit down on the pavement next to it. I look at the semi-big building in front of me. I hear someone's footsteps. I turn to them. Oh fuck. "Y/n?" I nod slowly, "Hey." She smiles, "Are you heading in or no?" I shake my head, "I'm meant to be going home, but I'm fucking wasted now so I don't think I'll risk it." She notices the slur in my voice, "Yeah, you look like it." I gasp, "What's that supposed to mean?" I joke, She laughs and sits next to me, "Why where you going to leave?" I shrug, "I was bored, my girlfriend left me to go hang out with her mate, and acted like I don't fucking exist." She mumbles something under her breath. I offer her a beer and she shakes her head. "You should come back in, with me." I think about it, "But your my ex, that's a tad weird." She takes my hand and pulls me up, "You wanna get back at your girlfriend." I look around, "But that's tight." She chuckles, "It's not like we're going to kiss or fuck or anything, don't worry." I shrug, "Fine, what harm could it do." She looks up, "Well-" I stop her from talking, "Don't even before I say no and go get arrested for drunk driving." She drags me into the club and to the bar. "Two cocktails please, the one you most recommend." She asks the bartender. I look at her, two? Whatever. She hands me ones and I thank her, "Thanks." I take a sip. It tastes alright. We sit down and catch up, she's actually quite funny. I wouldn't date her again though. Just at most be friends. We finish our drinks and she offers me her hand, "Care to dance my lady?" I giggle, "Of course." I take her and and she leads me to the dance floor. She turns to me, "I forgot to ask, who is your girlfriend?" I look around, "It's very secretive, I don't think I could tell you." She looks around, "No ones listening." I shrug, "Maybe they are." She laughs and shakes her head, "Dua Lipa." I whisper jokingly. She widens her eyes, "Lucky, she's hot." I nod, "She is." I twirl her around and I hold her back as she leans back. "Your hot girlfriend's giving you looks boo." I turn around and I take her hand towards the bar. I buy us another drink, she turns to me, "Why don't you go talk to her?" I shrug, "I can't be assed. If she wants to pretend we aren't together then we will." She looks towards Dua. "She looks pissed." I turn around, I reach into my bag and pull out my Chanel shades. A guy walks up to us, "You guys want a drink?" I turn to Issy and wink. "Sure." He goes to buy us a drink and hands it to us. "You guys single?" I think for a moment. "She is." He offers her his hand and she laughs, "I'm not interested, the bartenders fit though. You think you can hook it up?" I giggle. "I can try." He says before whispering something to the guy behind the bar. The bartender hands her a free drink and she starts to smirk at him, She gets behind the counter and starts making out with him. The guy turns to me, "So which lucky guy has got you?" I grin, "He's a woman." He tilts his head slightly, "Then she must be very shitty leaving such a hottie here without her." I smirk, "Maybe." I felt a burning stare at the side of my head. He grins, "Did I mention how hot you are?" I pretend to think, "I don't think so." I say sarcastically. "Did I tell you that I'm taken?" He thinks, "I don't think so." He repeats my sentence. Someone aggressively grabs my hand and pulls me into a hallway before I get pushed against the wall. I gasp before locking eyes with Dua. "What the fuck?" I tilt my head and smirk, "What?" I say acting oblivious. "You flirting with your ex and then this stranger?" I chuckle, "You missed the part where my ex was making out with the bartender." She grunts, "I thought you left?" I recall everything, "Oh yeah, I did but then I got wasted and Issy went up to me and dragged me back in here." Her grip tightens as I'm still against the wall as I say her name. "Why where you going to leave anyway?!" I scoff, "Enough questions, can you let go of me?" I say clearly annoyed. She lets go off me and I stand in front of her in silence. I notice her jaw is clenched, it felt good that she was jealous only for the fact I now know she at least cares about that type of shit. "If you really want to fucking know. Because you left me to go with Gigi and I was bored by myself." She re-locked our eyes, she was hot when jealous. "You could of came up to us?" I rolled my eyes, "I did." She sighed, "Sorry, but still, I don't want you near her." I smirked. "Could you pin me against the wall again? It was hot." 

~ Dua Lipa Short Imagines ~Where stories live. Discover now