~ Imagine 10 ~

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My phone pings, I pick it up and read the message. 

'I think you should read this... -Link-' 

I click on the link and my heart drops in my stomach, I didn't know what to feel. My eyes started to get red and puffy as a single tear drop falls from my eye. I throw my phone across the room probably breaking it. But I couldn't think about anything else. A thousand thoughts rush through my head giving me a headache. I put my head in my hands trying to sooth it. Tears drop out of my eyes, I sniffle and wipe my tears away. I walk over to my phone. I pick it up, not broken. I throw it onto my bed. It pings, then rings and carries on until I've had enough of that sound. I go over to it and put it on silent. I walk into my kitchen, my eyes still red and puffy letting out the occasional tear that I wipe away. My mascara was running down my face I could tell. I go towards my couch unsure to why I even went in the kitchen anyway. I turn on the Tv and put on a sad movie by accident making everything feel worse. I sigh as a hear the doorbell ring. I can't be bothered to answer but it could be important. I turn of the Tv and slowly get up forgetting about the mascara which ran down my face. 

I open the door and my eyes widen, I try to shut the door but they block it. "Y/n we need to talk. why did you ignore my calls?" I curse under my breath and turn around. "You know exactly why Dua." She shrugs, "What, what did I do?" I scoff. "You fucking cheated on me." I say, my voice breaking. She tears up. "Y/n, I swear I didn't. He kissed me and they caught it when I was in shock, I pulled away straight after the shock went away. I swear." I shake my head and sit down on the couch. "I don't know what to believe anymore. I'm sorry." She walks over to me, "Believe me. I love you Y/n, I would never do anything to hurt you." I look at the ceiling trying to trap all the tears from escaping. She cups my face. "Please." She whispers. I lock eyes with her. I think I believe her. I lean in and she attaches our lips, I smile into the kiss. 

~ Dua Lipa Short Imagines ~Where stories live. Discover now