~ Imagine 14 ~

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I walk out of the bathroom after changing and walk over to my bed to get my phone, Dua turns to me and her eyes admire my body, I blush as she smirks. I stare at what she's wearing. A tight short black dress, "Alright, lets go." She stands up and walks in front of me, She turns around to see me staring, I quickly turn away and she laughs. She takes my hand and pulls me into the elevator. I lean against the wall. She steps towards me and kisses me, taking my waist. I close my eyes and kiss back. She pulls away, "What was that for?" I ask smiling. "I don't know you just looked hot." I grin and walk out of the lift. She follows after me. We get escorted to the party. "Y/n L/n, Dua Lipa. Your on the list." They exclaim as they let us in. 

I see Hailee and she runs up to us. "Hi." I wiggle my eyebrows realising who she was with. I call Flo over and she intertwines hands with Hailee making Hailee's cheeks flush red. I grin. "So are you guys dating yet?" I say snickering. Hailee rolls her eyes, "Maybe, you and Dua are pretty close, Hm?" I blush and shake my head. Dua turns around, "I'll find you in a bit. I'm gonna say hi to Gigi." I nod and smile, she kisses me on the cheek and I widen my eyes. Hailee giggles and I softly whack her. 

I head over to the bar, Bella comes up to me. "Hey girl, you and Dua? What's up with that?" I shrug, "It's complicated." I buy her a drink and hand it to her, she sits down next to me. I finish my like 4th shot. I stand up and go to the dance floor, Bella follows me and dances next to me. Someone comes up to me and starts grinding on me. I couldn't make out who it was. Bella had disappeared, I was about to walk away before a hand latched onto mine. I tried to see who was pulling me away but it was blurry. I just let them take me, which was stupid but whatever.  I start to sober up as a door slams and locks behind me, the person stops. I recognise who it was and I smile kind of relieved it wasn't a stranger. "What the fuck!?" I turn my head slightly, I'm so confused. "You let some stranger grind on you and your so drunk you let someone take you with them." I stutter trying to speak but she interrupts me, "Your so lucky it was me and not some pervert!" I wait for her to finish before starting to speak, "Sorry. But I'm not sure why you care so much? I was going to move away, I was trying to see who it was." I step forward and kiss her, I grip on to her waist and smirk against her lips, I pull away for two seconds, "Now shut up and make out with me already." 

~ Dua Lipa Short Imagines ~Where stories live. Discover now