~ Imagine 12 ~

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I rolled my eyes at her, "Your being pathetic." I hissed. She gave me a sour look and turned to everyone else watching. I raised my eyebrows, mostly confused. She turns back to me. "About what? You insulting me." I chuckled, "Insulted you? Bullshit." She scoffs, "Yeah, right. Just fucking back off Y/n." I try to hold back a laugh. "Happily." I snicker and take my things, I start to walk out before calling after my kid. "Harper!" I shout, she comes running down the stairs, "Go get your things sweetheart. We're leaving." She nods and sprints up the stairs to get whatever she had brought, oh. A jacket. A hand tugs on my arm and I turn to them, "I've finished getting ready." Harper states, I pick up my bag and leave, I swing Harper over my shoulders and walk to my car, I place her down in her car seat and strap her in. I plant a kiss on her forehead. I walk around and sit in the drivers seat. I start the car and drive away towards my house. I get a call and answer it using hand-less. "Hey." Dua's voice echoes. I smile, "Hey, why you calling?" Harper turns to me and I realise. "Is Harper with you?" I turn to her, "Yep." Silence. "Do you have anyone who would mind looking after her for a bit. I smirk, "Probably. Why?" I say almost tauntingly. "You'll see." I bite my lip, "Send me a pic." She hangs up and a message comes through. I get stuck at a red light and unlock my phone, bringing it just out of eye reach for Harper. My mouth carves into a mischievous grin. "Hey Harper, how do you feel like going to stay at auntie Hailee's?" She nods excitedly. I pull into Hailee's driveway and help her out of the car. I knock on Hailee's door. She answers it. Harpers runs into Her arms, "Hey, could you do me a favour?" I suggest. Hailee narrows her eyes and nods slowly, "Depends." I smile, "Could you look after Harper." She tilts her head, "Of course, I thought you were off work today?" I nod, "I am, but something came up none work related." I think she got the hint because she winked at me and slowly closed the door, "Collect her before 4pm." I nod and walk towards the car quickly typing my response. 'On my way.'   

~ Dua Lipa Short Imagines ~Where stories live. Discover now