~ Imagine 8 ~

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I walk out of the room and into the bathroom. I smirk, I take my phone out of my pocket and look through my messages waiting for that one. It came through and I rushed to press on it. 'Where did you go?' I smile, 'Just to the toilet, come.' I send and wait. 'I'm talking to your sister.' I sigh, 'Your doing a great job if you texting me.' I put my phone away and look in the mirror. I think about what I can do and it comes to me. 

I walk out closing the wooden door behind me and walk back into the room, "Mummy?" Dua and my mum turn to me, Khloe notices and spits out her drink laughing. "Not you mum." I walk past her and wrap my arms around Dua's neck. She locks eyes with me and I giggle. She takes a hold of my waist and smirks. I bite my lip and she leans closer to my ear, "You wanna get away from here?" She whispers sending Goosebumps down my body. I nod and she takes my hand pulling me out the room. She pushes me against the wall and kisses me roughly. I groan into her mouth and watch as her eyes fill with lust before closing mine. 

~ Dua Lipa Short Imagines ~Where stories live. Discover now