~ Imagine 11 ~

565 6 0

Tw: slight mentions of abuse

I hugged myself, the cold breeze hitting my face as tears roll down my cheeks. I take a sip of the alcohol laying beside me. I shiver and my teeth start to chatter. I close my eyes the rain pouring onto me. I hear footsteps behind me, I turn around and lock eyes with her, she notices the tears flowing from my eyes and her eyes soften. She takes off her jacket and wraps it around me as she sits next to me. She takes a sip of the drink and starts to speak, "What's wrong?" I shrug, "I don't even know, my life is a fucking mess. Why do you care anyway?" I ask sourly. "Because I care about you." My mind flashes through the memories, my breathing starts to increase. I think Dua notices because she took my hands and drew circles on it. "Shh, everything's going to be fine. I wont let him hurt you again." I lay down on her lap and close my eyes, She takes the jacket and places it like a blanket over me. She strokes my hair relaxing me. 

~ Dua Lipa Short Imagines ~Where stories live. Discover now