IV | Chae-ryeong (TW)

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jisung that morning

it was almost 7:00am when jisung woke up.

he had remembered that he had to see his grandparents today...


he weakly opened his eyes and sat up to see his beautiful roommate fast asleep.

he sighed deeply and walked to the bathroom.

he picked up his comb and looked in the mirror.

he hated what he saw, he hated everything about the reflection.

he then put the comb down and kneeled down, reaching under the table for an important object.

after a minute of searching around for the particularly sharp object, he finally brushed his hand over it.

he immediately grabbed it and pulled it from under the table.

he sat on the floor for a minute just admiring the shiny piece in his hands.

he then slowly pulled down his pants and rolled his underwear down a little so his hips were showing.

he took a deep breath and slid the object along his sides.

he winced at the feeling but it didn't stop him from continuing.

he drew a few deep lines on both sides of his waist until he was finally done.

he threw the blade into the sink and rinsed in with the water.

he pulled his pants up and groaned from the fabric against the fresh wounds.

he looked up at himself embarrassed.

"w-why are y-you like this..." he mumbles.

he sighs then unlocks the bathroom door, tiptoeing back to the shared bedroom.

he went to his closet and picked out a slightly over-sized, plain, navy button up shirt, black, ripped, skinny jeans and a pair of old, warn-out dr martens.

he quickly got dressed and attempted to put mascara on and do his hair.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

after about a 30 minute drive, jisung finally made it to his childhood trauma house.

he sat in his car for a few minutes before walking up to the front door.

as he locked his old, beat up car, his breathing started to get unsteady.

he managed to control it but he was starting to shake, badly.

now after a few steps he was standing right in front of the place which made his childhood so...


he hesitated for a second before softly knocking on the door.

after a long, excruciating minute the door finally opened, revealing a middle-aged man probably in his mid 30's.

he was tall, had a small beard and his ears pierced.

he had light brown hair, and was a little over weight with tattoos all over his arms.

jisung gulped, he knew who that was, he wish he didn't.

"the faggot's here, howdy kiddo." the man laughs.

jisung awkwardly smiles as he slowly walks in the awful house.

he looks around as memories come flashing into his mind.

"sungie?!" a young girls voice yells.

jisung immediately turns his head towards the voice, chaeryeong.

he sees chaeryeong running towards him with a huge smile on her face.

he opens his arms and engulfs her into a tight hug.

"oh my god, i missed you so much!" she smiles excitedly.

"i missed you too, it's been too long!" jisung replies happily as he pulls out of the hug.

"that's enough of that you two, jisung there's a reason we called you here." an older lady interrupts.

jisung looks at the lady and his heart drops, it was his grandmother.

"come with me boy." she says as she turns around and walks away.

jisung takes a deep breath and allowing himself to follow behind her, leaving chaeryeong.

he followed the old lady down the hall and they stopped in front of a big, mysterious door.

jisung was confused when he heard the older woman sigh.

she turned around to face jisung, she looked jisung in the eyes and formed a soft smile.

"it's good to see you again boy... it really is." she says, surprising jisung.

her smile soon faded as she turned around and opened the door.

she leads jisung into a dark room before leaving and shutting the door behind her.

jisung was trying to control himself but he was terrified as to why he was in the dark room alone.

all of a sudden a light flickers on, revealing an old, fatish, pervert-like man.

jisung could've cried, right there and right at that exact moment.

this man was the main reason jisung hates himself, and feels disgusted every time he looks at himself in the mirror.

when jisung was 12-13 years old, this man would do terrible and unimaginable things to jisung and jisung's cousins.

once jisung found his grandfather sexually and without consent, touching his younger cousin chaeryeong, so he confronted him.

but ended up getting raped in front of a mirror and beaten until he was knocked out.

the man smirked as he eagerly looked at all of jisung's features, looking him up and down.

he then looked jisung in the eyes and patted his lap, indicating jisung to go and sit there.

jisung's eyes widened.

"t-this is why you wanted m-me?!" jisung stuttered.

"i just want to talk, don't you want to have some fun with your old papa?" the man smirked.

jisung felt his eyes filling with tears.

"i w-wanna go home..." jisung mumbled as he slightly started walking backwards.

the older chuckled and stood up from his chair.

he walked over to jisung and put one of his hands on jisung's face, pushing a loose hair off of jisung's forehead.

jisung could feel a singular tear fall down his face.

"shh, it's okay. i won't hurt you... if you just cooperate." the old man whispers.

jisung didn't know what to do, all he could do was stand still and squeeze his eyes closed, praying that this was all fake.

except it was all real...


ah omg 😭😭
i hate writing these sort of things it makes me feel so ... icky
anyway hope you like the story so far~
byeeee beautifuls❕❕

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