XXV | Finally (M)

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minho dropped the younger onto the bed and eagerly leaned forward and attacked his neck.

he managed to remember where the younger's sensitive spot was and he immediately started to abuse it.

he gently bit down on the spot under his ear causing jisung to moan loudly.

"oh my-" jisung spoke, his voice high pitch.

as minho continued to create a hickey, he wanted to ask the younger some questions.

"now baby, what's your safe word." he said between sloppy kisses.

jisung breathed out.

"s-stop..?" jisung said confused.

minho chuckled against jisung's neck making the younger groan.

minho looked up at the younger.

"think of a random word that doesn't have anything to do with sex."

"um... kitchen... knife..?" he stuttered confused.

minho couldn't help but coo at the younger boy.

"how about vanilla?" minho smiled.

jisung nodded happily.


"okay now another question, are you a virgin, baby?" minho spoke gently as he caressed the younger's thighs.

jisung looked at the older confused.

not because he was innocent and didn't know what a virgin was, but he just didn't know.

he's had sex before, but it was never necessarily consensual.

"i-i don't know..." he spoke quietly, quite embarrassed.

minho sighed but kept the gentle smile on his face.

"have you ever said yes to having sex with someone?" minho said as he placed another kiss on the younger's neck.

jisung stayed still for a moment before shaking his head, no he hadn't.

minho sighed.

"so you're a virgin okay?" he looked at the younger again.

the younger nodded.

"another question, am i allowed to take your virginity..." minho asked softly and slowly.

jisung blushed hard then nodded eagerly.

"i'm gonna need you to use your words jisung." minho spoke more serious.

"y-yes... hyung please take my v-virginity..." jisung said, blushing incredibly.

minho smiled and connected their lips again, getting ontop of the younger.

"last one," he kissed the boy again.

"do you by any chance have lube and condoms?" he said before sneaking his tongue into the other's mouth.

jisung moaned and dug his nails into minho's sides.

minho then lifted jisung's legs up, bending them and putting them on both sides of him, rubbing them dangerously close to the younger's crotch.

"c-closer-" the younger whined.

minho smirked.

"closer? what do you mean baby?" minho teased.

"h-hands... closer~" he said, almost moaning.

"i don't understand baby boy, what-"

then suddenly jisung's shaky hands aggressively grabbed minho's and placed them on the younger's asscheeks.

His Roommate (MINSUNG)Where stories live. Discover now