XXVII | Sick

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it had been about a week and everyone had managed to find out about what happened during the minsung's juicy encounter.

"min~" jisung whispered into minho's ear.

minho groaned and turned over, his back facing the younger.

jisung frowned and stood up straight.

"minho, we gotta go to class, get up." jisung said, sounding more stern.

minho groaned again and sat up.

he looked really pale.

jisung looked closely at minho.

"baby are you okay?" he asked softly as he cupped the older's cheeks.

minho looked into jisung's eyes weakly.

jisung frowned again and placed the back of his hand on minho's forehead.

he flinched slightly and pulled his hand back.

"babe you're boiling! oh my god, wait i'm sorry, go back to sleep, you're sick!" jisung panicked as he tried to get minho back into his bed.

minho managed to still push his way off the bed even in his state.

but as soon as he stood up he collapsed into the younger's arms.

jisung gasped and started panicking even more.

"ah oh my god! baby don't die please! what am i supposed to do?! do i call chan hyung? yeah! i'll call hyung!" he spoke loudly as he rushed into the kitchen to get his phone, leaving minho lying awkwardly on the bed.

jisung slid into the kitchen and immediately rushed to his phone.

he quickly typed in chan's contact and it started ringing.

"come on..." he sighed.

Daddy Issues🫣
-accepted call-

hey kiddo!-

hey! u-um i have a problem and i don't know what to do i-

ok, ji calm down
what's going on?

i-it's minho!
he's really pale and when he tried to get out of bed he fell into my arms a-and-

oh wow, okay well should i come round?

i would really appreciate that hyung!
b-but classes-

if minho isn't feeling well, i would gladly take care of him instead of go to some classes okay?

i- okay thank you hyung

i'm on my way up, make sure to get him some water

ok thank you!
bye hyung

see you jisung

-call ended-

jisung put his phone down and walked over to the cabinet above the sink, taking out a cup and filling it up with water.

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