XXXII | Beach Day

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"anyway, i have a few things planned for us today." chan started speaking again.

everyone turned their attention back to chan.

"it's the first day though, shouldn't we get used to the house first?-"

"shut up mr lazy ass, we're going out and having fun today, whether you like it or not." chan huffed.

seungmin scoffed and leaned his head on his boyfriend's shoulder.

"well hyung, hurry up and tell us what we're doing today." jisung spoke up.

chan gasped.

"calm down assholes, jesus christ." chan said as he continuously shook his head.

"firstly we're going to go hiking-"

"there's no way i'm going hiking, bang chan." jeongin said, the rest nodding in agreement.

chan rolled his eyes.

"stop complaining, you're the ones that are leaving the planning up to me, so-"

"we could go to the beach, that is literally outside of the fucking house." minho spoke up, catching everyone's attention.

"wow chan, how did you not think of that?" changbin laughed.

"you didn't either! whatever. fine, we can go swimming then we can go out to eat or something." chan sighed.

"thank you minho, you saved all of our lives!" jeongin squealed as he lunged himself onto minho's arm.

minho laughed awkwardly as he shook the younger off his arm.

jisung giggled and walked over to minho, pecking his lips.

minho smiled and pulled the younger in by his waist, deepening the kiss by tilting his head.

jisung's hands found their way to minho's fluffy hair.

minho slipped his hands under jisung's shirt, causing jisung to hiss from the cold touch.

minho chuckled into the kiss then eventually pulled away.

the stayed hugging each other as they caught their breath.

what they didn't know, was they were still in the dinning room.

"wow." chan coughed.

the two looked at the boys staring at them.

jisung's face went bright red as he noticed felix holding his phone up.

"l-lix... please tell me your phone isn't recording-"

"oh it is... it has been for a good while too." felix smirked.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

"what are they doing?!" chan groaned.

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