III | "Where is he?"

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< minho pov >

*alarm noise lol*

my eyes open immediately from the noise of that annoying alarm clock.

i sit up to see the sun shining in my eyes.

i groan and turn of my alarm and cover my eyes.

i stand up off my bed and stretch my arms a bit before turning to jisung's side of the room.

i look over and see an empty bed.

"that's weird.." i say under my breath.

i walk out the bedroom and over to the kitchen.

still no sign on jisung.

i sigh and decide to make breakfast.

i take out an unused frying pan and put it on the stove, turning it onto a good temperature.

i grab some olive oil and pour a small amount onto the pan.

i then walk to the fridge a grab two eggs.

i crack the eggs on the frying pan and i begin the process of frying them.

once i was finished making the eggs, i sat at the kitchen counter and ate it while looking through instagram.

once i finished eating i went to my room and i got ready for the day.

i finished getting ready so i walked out the bathroom and sit down at the kitchen table.

i pull out my phone and dial my old friends number.



chan! why didn't you tell me you went to Seoul University!!

min? i didn't think it mattered, why are you calling me all of a sudden?

you idiot, i just transferred to your university, i found out you and changbin go here!

wait what?! where are you?

i'm in my dorm right now, room 110.

jeez that's like on the forth story isn't it?! doesn't matter, i'm coming!

ok, i'll see you soon channie! bye~


i hang up the phone and smile widely.

i quickly put away the materials i used to make myself breakfast and sit down again to wait for chan to get to my dorm.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

< third pov >

minho was just sitting in the kitchen on his phone, all of a sudden there was a knock at his door.

he quickly puts down his phone and rushes to the door.

he opens the door to see his best friend standing there with his arms wide.

minho smiles and jumps into the other's arms.

"oh my god i haven't seen you in ages! what the fuck~" minho yells into chan's touch.

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