XXXVI | Choi Sooyung (TW)

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the two woke up from minho's loud ass alarm.

jisung groaned and wiggled under the sheets as minho turned off the alarm.

"what time is it?" jisung yawned, sitting up.

minho laughed guiltily.


"YOU DICK! WHYYYY?!?" jisung whined loudly, falling off the bed and onto the cold, wooden floor.

minho laughed and got up, helping the younger off the floor.

as he pulled the boy up to his feet, he let go but to his surprise, jisung kept falling forward, ending in him flopped onto his boyfriend.

minho playfully rolled his eyes and tapped jisung's upper thigh, the younger jumping up and wrapping his legs around minho's waist, minho holding him up with his hands on his ass.

"watch it, perv." jisung huffed.

minho chuckled and walked them into the kitchen, placing jisung on one of the stools.

"what do you want for breakfast, love?" minho smiled.

jisung laid his head on the counter, not paying attention to anything around him.

his only concentration was on sleeping.

"ji?" minho sighed.

jisung hummed into his arm, not lifting his head.

minho sat down next to the boy and looked at him.

"do you wanna talk about sooyung now..?" he asked softly.

jisung looked up at minho.

he thought for a second before nodding slightly.

"i feel like it's gonna eat me up if i don't..." jisung laughed awkwardly, trying to brighten up the elder.

failing miserably.

jisung cleared his throat.

"so, it's not even that bad honestly-"

"jisung, don't invalidate your trauma." minho said sternly.

jisung stopped and looked at minho.

he then nodded slightly and looked down at his lap.

"when i was about seventeen, and sooyung was eighteen... we were dating. and since he hadn't come out, he made us stay in private." jisung spoke, almost whispering.

he was always so embarrassed to tell this story.

"he used to slut shame me to his friends and be like homophobic and shit... then when we were alone, he'd treat me like i was his whole world..." jisung breathed heavily.

minho noticed and gently placed his hand on the younger's thigh, caressing in slowly.

jisung looked into minho's eyes and sniffled.

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