XXVI | Explaining

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"alright who's betting minho?" felix stood up.

"oh one hundred percent, there's no way jisung could top minho." chan said confidently.

"he's right, jisung couldn't even if he tried, minho's top." chaeryeong spoke up.

as felix tallied up the scores, the winner of who is top out of minho and jisung, minho won with 8 votes.

they were waiting outside of the minsung dorm.

they've been standing around for about ten minutes so now they're all either lying on the floor or sitting against a wall.

"how long is this going to take? they better not be doing it again~" hyunjin whined.

"someone knock-"

"i nominate chae to do it!" daehwi almost yelled.

"wha- why me?!" chaeryeong spoke.

"you literally live with them, it's only the right thing." daehwi grinned.

"he's right, chae hurry up and knock already!" felix giggled as he went to hide somewhere.

chaeryeong groaned as she stood up and walked towards the door.

before she knocked, she turned around and saw all the boys hiding.

she rolled her eyes and knocked.


"psst, what if they're-"

the door suddenly opened, a very tired young boy coming into frame.

"hey chae-"

"HAN JISUNG!~" felix squealed as he got up from his hiding spot and skipped over to the boy.

chaeryeong sighed and moved out of the way.

jisung was still trying to process what was exactly going on but then felix leaped onto the older, causing both of them to fall to the floor, jisung first.

"ow, ow, ow, ow lixie~" jisung whined loudly, the younger still ontop of him.

now all the boys have gotten out of their hiding spots, now just watching the two.

felix chuckled guiltily as he got off the boy, helping him up.

"haha, sorry i kinda forgot you're probably sore-"

jisung glanced at all the people behind felix.

"oh. my. god." jisung spoke, his eyes widening.

"we're here for details on yours and minho's interaction last night." changbin smirked, wiggling his eyebrows at the boy.

jisung's face went bright red.

he quickly covered his face and turned around, whining from embarrassment.

then suddenly he felt a gentle hand tilt up his chin.

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