L | My Story

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"areum! come back here!"  ryujin yelled from across the house.

meanwhile me and minho were laughing from the kitchen.

"watching over people struggle to take care of our child is hilarious." i snort, laughing as i watched areum run passed us naked.

minho was almost crying on the floor as we saw ryujin desperately chasing after her.

two years after the wedding and me and minho couldn't be more happy.

i just released my first solo album and to my surprise people love it.

minho is one of the most famous dancers in south korea.

apparently we're known as 'The Power Couple' which i thought was really funny but awfully true.

i'm now twenty eight years old with a daughter who is now one and the best husband ever.

one more year and he's thirty years old which is in fact, not flattering.

"help me!" ryujin whined as she walked back into the kitchen.

minho scoffed and leaned his body on the kitchen counter.

"hell no. we have to deal with this every other day. if you want to work with kids soon then you gotta get used to children being assholes." minho stated.

but i slapped the back of his head.

"our daughter is not an asshole!" i shriek.

minho rolled his eyes and mocked me.

ryujin laughed but stopped immediately after i glared at her.

"go get my child, you're both so irresponsible." i snap.

ryujin shivers as she walks out of the room to find haewon.

minho groaned.

"don't act like that. we were joking." minho says, placing his hands on both sides of my hips.

so i decided to mess with him.

i fake hiss as if i'm in pain.

he pulls his hands away, looking at me with worry.

"o-ow! i-"

"woah, sung! what happened?! have you relapsed..?" minho asked, his eyebrows knitted together and worry in his eyes.

i look down at my feet, a smirk hidden.

minho sighs and lifts my chin up.

"i'm sorry..." he whispered, pulling me into a hug.

my eyes widen as i saw a glimpse of his glossy eyes.

i could keep going but that's just mean.

"i was joking min, please don't cry." i say, trying not to laugh.

minho held me tighter, shaking more into my shoulder.

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