XV | Drama

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it was the next day and neither minho or jisung have spoken to the other yet.

jisung's class was almost over and he was ready to run out the door.

he impatiently tapped his foot on the wooden floor as he watched the clock slowly tick.

"why is this class taking so long~" he whined.

the boy beside him giggled slightly.

jisung turned his head towards the boy to see who it was.

kim seungmin.

jisung would normally quickly turn away and mind his own business but today was different.

he wanted to talk to someone to waste time.

he cleared his throat quietly and leaned a little towards the boy.

"oi, seungmin." he whispered.

seungmin immediately turned towards the slightly older male.

"i heard you're dating hyunjin hyung." he smiled slightly.

seungmin raised his eyes brow before nodding.

"yeah, how did you know? he's only just started attending this college..." he asked.

"doesn't matter. how did you guys meet?" jisung said, dodging the question.

seungmin looked at him confused.

"i didn't think you liked me, why are you suddenly asking me about my boyfriend?" he tilted his head as he spoke.

jisung thought for a second.

"i don't know, i guess i'm just curious how you two met since like you said he's new." jisung replied.

"i mean, we were roommates and i guess with the amount of time we spent together we just fell for each other." he said.

jisung's face went bright red.

"are you okay? is there something wrong?" seungmin asked quickly as he saw jisung's face.

"i'm alright-" jisung said before the bell rang, jisung rushing out the classroom.

seungmin sat in his seat confused.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

minho, chan, changbin and hyunjin all had a class together.

minho, chan and changbin were all messing around together, not necessarily paying attention.

hyunjin was playing with his pen beside them.

he sighed as he looked at the three.

"maybe i should talk to them..." he whispered to himself.

he took a deep breath and extended his arm, tapping minho's back.

the boy turned around and friendly smiled at hyunjin.

"can i help you?" he asked, causing the other two to look at the black haired boy.

hyunjin cleared his throat.

"um, i was just curious..." he said awkwardly.

minho tilted his head.

"a-are you changbin..?" he awkwardly asked as he pointed at changbin.

changbin raised his eyebrows.

"uh yeah? is there a problem?" he asked, looking very intimidating.

His Roommate (MINSUNG)Where stories live. Discover now