XIII | Leaving

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1,104 words

"kim seungmin."

jisung's eyes widened.

"kim seungmin?! as in... sky..?" jisung whispered.

hyunjin sighed angrily and rolled his eyes.

"why does everyone fucking care?! he quit, forget about it!" hyunjin suddenly yelled.

jisung flinched at the sudden change of mood.

"i-i'm sorry, i d-didn't know it would o-offend you..." jisung stuttered.

"nobody fucking does." he said quieter.


"have a good life." hyunjin said before walking off.

jisung stood silent.

"what was that about? who's sky?" felix immediately asked.

jisung blinked a few times before he answered.

"he uh, i don't know how to say this but sky is a stripper..." jisung sighed.

felix was shocked.

"a stripper?! was his boyfriend a stripper?!" felix asked loudly.

"shh! be quiet, he quit and it's obvious they don't like people mentioning it..."

"right. that's so weird, no wonder he got so worked up, seungmin is probably traumatised." felix whispered.

jisung nodded his head.

"it's sad, the poor boy is only twenty." jisung said sadly.

"i know... could you imagine if i was a stripper?!" jisung asked loudly.

felix couldn't help but giggle.

"you couldn't even if you thought about it."

jisung rolled his eyes but felix was right.

the two put their arms around the others shoulders and walked off to felix's dorm.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

felix unlocked the door and walked in, jisung following.

they took off their shoes and felix's eyes widened.

"shit was i robbed?!" felix yelled frantically.

jisung's eyes widened as he looked around the half empty dorm.

felix rushed into the bedroom to find his roommate packing up all of his clothes.

"woo hyung?" felix asked, his eyes brows furrowing.

wooyoung looked at the younger and smiled sadly.

"w-why are you packing your things..?" felix stuttered confusedly.

wooyoung stood up and sighed as he walked over to the boy.

jisung walked into the room.

wooyoung cupped felix's face.

"i'm leaving for a different collage lixie~" the older said softly.

felix could feel his eyes get blurry.

"w-why..." felix sobbed.

"i'm sorry doll but i want to go to the same college as
yeosang, i hope you understand." wooyoung sighs.

felix lowers his head as few tears fall to the floor.

"it's okay..." felix mumbled.

he took a few steps away from the older.

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