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jisung was currently sitting in music, the subject he majors in.

he was sitting with changbin and chan since they all chose the same class.

they were currently working on a project.

they had to create a song.

the boys were all pretty talented music wise, all three had beautiful voices and knew how to edit and produce.

they were definitely going to do well.

"what music genre should we do?~" changbin whined loudly.

the three had been sitting at a table in silence, they couldn't agree on which music genre they wanted the song to have.

chan sighed and laid his head on the desk.

"i'm starting to hate you both." jisung mumbled.

changbin mocked him and poked his tongue at the younger.

"can we not fight? please? god, you're children." chan huffed, parent mode, activated.

they both glared at the boy and went back to sulking.

"let's do this, we all write down what music genre we want to do and put it in a bowl or something. which ever one gets picked out wins." chan spoke up.

the two thought for a second before agreeing.

"yeah whatever. fate will decide." changbin shrugged, ripping a piece of paper and writing down his answer, folding it in half and handing it to chan.

chan thanked the boy and held his hand out to jisung.

jisung gave him his sheet of paper.

chan wrote down his answer and put all three papers into changbin's shoe.

they were being creative, leave them alone.

chan shook it for a second before closing his eyes and sticking his hand and grabbing a folded piece of paper.

he slowly opened his eyes and looked at the answer.

"you've got to be kidding me." chan groaned.

jisung smirked and changbin furrowed his eyebrows.

"drill?! seriously, who the fuck put down drill?" chan whined.

jisung laughed and stood up.

"yay! i've been waiting for this moment!" jisung exclaimed happily.

changbin face palmed and repeatedly pretended to smash his head on the desk.


✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

the three were almost finished with the project and were now at a recording studio in seoul, trying to record the song.

"more accent hyung! MORE ACCENT!" jisung yelled through the microphone.

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