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I grunted as I ran across the tiled floors with a hand to my stomach. I glanced back, seeing only a trail of crimson following me, which only prompted me to run faster. Every quick step I took sent another shot of pain searing through my body, but I didn't care. The pain was much better than whatever would greet me if I slowed my pace.

If only I had studied harder or reviewed more in class, I may not be in this situation. My life may not be on the line. It sucked, but it was a choice I would have to accept. I knew it wasn't going to end the way we all feared at the start, but for some reason, something inside myself told me it would.

I knew I couldn't run forever. 

I slowed my pace, quickly approaching one of the many classrooms lined by the hallway walls. Luckily, I found an unlocked one, and even luckier, it was empty. I shut the door behind me and quickly locked it with no hesitation. Grasping onto the instructor's desk, I slid it against the floor, pressing it against the door. Hopefully, this was enough to stop her if she knew I was in there.

I looked around for anything I could use as a weapon, but instead, all I got was a sudden sense of nostalgia.

This room was my sophomore year primary classroom. I could even remember my desk from memory, which I walked over to and sat down. Closing my eyes reminded me of how much better it was back then. But, I knew I couldn't focus on the past alone. It was the present that mattered.

Moving made me grunt due to a stabbing pain that shot up my side. I could only feel anxious as I slowly moved my gaze towards my hand, which was clearly crimson although the room was dim. Whatever she had done to me was terrible. I grunted once more as I compressed my wound, hoping to stop the bleeding.

"Fuck... It hurts." I whispered to myself.

Footsteps outside alerted me, causing my gaze to turn to the door. I silently hoped for it to be another person focusing on survival and that they'd pass by and not someone looking to kill. Unfortunately, It seemed to be a latter when they began to bang on the door.

"Jason... Let me in..." A female voice cooed from outside the door. Begging to be let into my haven. "I'm being chased, please." It appealed with minimal emotion of fear or concern in its voice. In response, I did what I could and remained silent. Hoping that she would give up. That she would leave me alone. But she didn't.

She banged on the door. Her begging turned into demands, which slowly got more and more aggressive. Finally, she screamed at me and called to let me in. Screaming so she could do God knows what with me. I could only stay silent and listen to her calls the entire time.

"You don't understand. You need to die. It would help if you died so I could win. Do you get that? Could you answer me? I know you're in there." Her deranged voice said through the doorway. When I didn't respond, she repeated it once more and again. It was like a broken record. She said the same thing over and over again. And all I could do was listen to her descent into madness.

"LET ME IN. LET ME IN. LET ME IN." She screeched like a demon, banging as hard as she could on the door. I could only watch as the door rattled from the sheer strength she was exerting on it. I wondered if I should barricade it more, but, at the same time, I was hoping staying silent would get her to realize I wasn't in here. It didn't seem to work, but committing to it may have a different result. So, that's what I did. I stood as still as a statue and watched nervously as she pounded on the door. Soon, it stopped, and everything went silent.

I waited for a few long moments before giving off a sigh of relief. It seemed like she had left. For now, at least. I limped over to the edge of the room and leaned against the wall, eventually sliding down into a painful seat which caused me to grunt in pain. I closed my eyes for a brief moment, only to hear a loud thud of the sound of the doorknob breaking off. I quickly got to my feet, ignoring the searing pain in my stomach as I watched the door get forced open, slowly sliding the instructor's desk across the floor.

I froze in terror. All I could see was her face peeking in through the crack in the door, staring at me. A broad toothy smile stretched across her face as she looked at me in silence before returning to push the door open. 

I immediately leaped forward and approached the door, trying to press against it. She stuck her hand through the door, slashing wildly with a knife, lacerating my arm. I yelped and stumbled away, falling backward and knocking the wind out of me. She pushed open the door as I watched helplessly from the ground, gasping for breath while simultaneously trying to crawl away.

She crept in through the open crack, smiling at me as she slowly approached me. It was like she was toying with me. All I could do was stare into her eyes. My friend of three years was gone. All that was left behind those eyes were a monster.

"Are you scared of death?" She asked, giggling when I stared at her silently in response, only attempting to crawl away until my back hit the wall. I could only watch as she inched closer to me with that damned smile and the gore-stained knife in her right hand, which gripped it with full force. I knew she was doing it on purpose. She was strolling to toy with me. But, I couldn't help but wonder why.

We were friends. Weren't we?

She crouched down and looked at me. That smile was permanently painted on her face as she patted my head. 

"Goodbye." She said before plunging the knife inside of me once again. All I could do was watch the blade enter me. I couldn't even fight, move, or anything. It felt like I was behind, held in place by chains.

Death itself wasn't so bad. The part which hurt the most was watching someone I had thought someone I could trust murder me, but other than that, the pain was only excruciating for a moment. Before I knew it, it slowly faded away along with my vision.

Everything flashed before my eyes instead of the violent scene of my death. The stabbing, the gore, the betrayal. All of it. Instead, I saw all of my beautiful moments with her, which I still treasure even in my last moments. All I could think of was a shame it had to end this way. I had such a bright future ahead of me. Both of us did, but, alas, it was cut short.

My body lay to rot.

I wish my parents would have said goodbye.


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