~:Chapter 46:~

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"Yuki's here?!" Amelia gasped as she looked at the two people drenched in blood in front of her. "Shit. I guess this is a whole party now." Amelia sighed. "A-And not one I want to be invited to." She quickly added on as she glanced over at the corpse in the middle of the hallway that lay twisted in a pool of blood.

"Crazy bitch." Amelia grunted. "I swear... if she did anything to Adam... I'll... I don't know... bring her back to life and kill her again!" She scoffed. 

"R-Right...? So, I'm guessing you've had no luck?" Claire sighed.

"N-No! I felt like I was getting somewhere too, and that skank chased me down!" Amelia sighed. "Fuck!" She grunted in frustration. "Where the hell is Adam?!" She asked Claire. "Or Yuki?!"

"Theatre," Jake whispered. 

"I knew it! I was just on my way there now!" Amelia announced in pride. "Let's go; we don't have much time!" She eagerly jogged down the hallway.

Jake sighed next to her, shaking his head as Claire glanced over at him and shrugged.


"What?!" She called out from down the hallway.

"Theatre's that way." Claire pointed down the hallway in the opposite way.

"A-Are you sure?" 

"Yeah... Pretty sure."

"I thought-... Whatever! I'll follow you guys." Amelia grunted as she turned back and looked at each of them with an impatient expression painted across her face. "Well, what are you two waiting for?"  She asked.

"R-Right," Claire said.

Jake sighed.

Together the three of them walked down the hallway in silence as they turned a corner and the theatre doors came into view. Claire gulped as they neared it, feeling the intensity in the air rise as they approached. Her heart began to pound in her chest from the anxiousness of the unknown. However, she had a gut feeling that whatever lay behind that door wasn't good. She could feel it.

"Is anyone else... getting a bad feeling about this?" Claire asked. 

"Yeah," Jake responded.

"M-Me too... but we can't turn back..." Amelia whispered. Although she attempted to make her voice sound confident and determined, it was nothing more than a facade that Claire could see right through. In reality, she sounded anxious. She was scared, even. Claire couldn't blame her; she felt just as terrified. It was surprising that Claire hadn't gone insane at this point with everything going on. She had been so deep in her thoughts that she hadn't realized they stood outside the large double door.

Claire stared up at the door, reading the sign above it.

Side Entrance A

"If this goes badly..." Claire said with a sigh. "Two exits on the back of the theatre lead out into the lobby. We'll be able to get out of the fine arts building from there." She whispered.

"I like... have a bad feeling about this," Amelia whispered.

"Me too..."

"Here," Jake said; he held out the small bloody hatchet from the daughter in the hallway.

"You want me to take it...?" Claire looked up at him. He rolled his eyes in response to this.

"If you don't want it, I'll take it." Amelia scoffed, grabbing the hatchet out of his hand.

"That settles that..." Jake muttered.

"Now, let's go! I g-guess." Amelia announced.

Jake put his hand on the door.

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