~:Chapter 64:~

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"I don't understand..." Yuki muttered quietly. "H-How am I alive?" She asked Elle, who chuckled softly in response.

"I told you. The little stunt at the grays building did much more damage than you think, enough to warrant an emergency to stop the game. You're fortunate that I had someone pull you out of the growing wreckage... You should thank me! Had you not been saved... you would've been stuck in the collapsing building."

"The grays building... was destroyed...?" Yuki asked, feeling a sense of relief as she asked that question.

"Unfortunately, it suffered heavy damages. I would've loved to punish you for destroying property, but... It wasn't necessarily your fault, I suppose." She sighed.

"So... w-what's going to happen to all the grays?"

"The ones in the game?" Elle laughed. "They were all burnt to a crisp..."

"No." Yuki hissed. "All the Grays in general... the ones you forced to stay in that rundown building..." Yuki snapped at her. Elle paused for a moment, staring blankly at her.

"Well... We'll figure something out." She said with a sigh. "I'm surprised you care for them... After all... it's not like they matter to society or anything." Elle scoffed.

"You're sick," Yuki responded.

"I thought this was supposed to be a question and answer... not time for you just to berate me." She sighed. Yuki bit her tongue, holding back many horrible things she wanted to say to the monster that stood in front of her, but she supposed it was better to get more information out of her, especially if it was offered.

"Fine." Yuki sighed. "Everything I learned in that game about the chemicals was true, right?" Yuki asked. Elle paused as if she were taken aback and deep in thought. Her lips turned into a straight line before returning to a slight grin.


"So... Why didn't you just kill me? I mean... you spent the entire game trying." Yuki raised an eyebrow at her.

"This is true," Elle responded. "I'll honor a winner like I said," Elle said with a shrug. "Besides, I have rules to follow. I'm not exactly in charge of everything, and I don't feel like getting in trouble. Besides... it would just create a whole new mess... so for now, you're alive." Elle said with a shrug.

"But... aren't you afraid I'll tell?"

"Hmph... did you want me to kill you or something?" Elle raised an eyebrow.

"W-What? No!"

"I'm just kidding!" Elle giggled. "Of course, I figured you would tell people... but... who would believe you... Besides, you wouldn't make it that far trying to go against the school... I mean... government funded, and all." Elle shrugged. "Besides, only a few of you know... not enough for it to be an actual problem."

"A few...?" Yuki asked. "How many people ended up surviving?" She felt her heart flutter at the sound of that.

"Oh... around... twelve, I believe. Originally It was supposed to be ten, but... you know... circumstances changed." Elle said.

"Wait? A-Are my friends alive?"

"Your friends...?" Elle asked. "Oh, yeah, they are... Let's see... both the red-haired girl and singer are fine. Who else... Oh yeah, the gambler and her special little friend are also fine, much to my dismay." Elle paced around the room as she spoke. Each name sent another wave of relief crashing over her, making her feel comforted for the first time since she had gone into the game. Still, she couldn't help but notice a name was missing from Elle's list.

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