~:Chapter 3:~

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"Long time no see," Yuki smirked at Rebecca, who smiled at her as she placed books onto a shelf.

"I can't believe you're in 35A; what a coincidence," Rebecca said to her. 

"Ah, Yuki." An older woman stepped up from her desk. She had a sleek-looking dark-colored blazer that matched her dark skirt. Although most of her attire was dark, she had a few splashes of color, such as her bright red tie, shoes, matching spherical earrings, and the bow on the back of her hair, which held her silvery-colored hair into a bun. "It's nice to meet you finally. I've heard so much about you about your father." She smiled at her, sticking out one of her wrinkled hands, which Yuki shook. She could only wonder what her father had said to this woman. Hopefully, it was nothing too embarrassing. 

"Nice to meet you too." She smiled back.

"It's a shame you couldn't attend our meeting." Ms. Owens frowned. "Rather unfortunate." She said, looking at Yuki, who felt slightly confused about why she was bringing it up. It was almost like, a bit of a judgemental look.

"I wish I would've been able to," Yuki responded. "I just don't think it would've been an enjoyable experience with how sick I was during that time." She said, attempting to crack a little joke to lighten the mood hopefully. Unfortunately, it didn't work. Instead, Ms. Owens blankly stared at her for a moment, which prompted Yuki to change the topic quickly. "Luckily, my father caught me up on all of the information." She smiled.

"Good, good. I assume you have all of your materials for class." 

"Of course!" Yuki responded.

"Good, good." Ms. Owens commented as she looked at her watch. "Well, we have a few minutes until class starts, and your classmates begin to trickle in. We'll do a brief introduction and get right into things. " She explained.

"Alright, sounds great." Yuki nodded along.

"In the meantime, Ms. Myers, do you mind showing Yuki her seat?"

"Of course." Rebecca turned around from the bookshelf, where she seemed to be organizing the many colorful novels that lined the shelves. She placed one more book into an open slot and turned around. "There's a seat open next to me." She pointed towards one near the opposite wall, the second row from the back. Yuki nodded and quickly walked over to her seat as chimes filled the room once more. She sat down, placing her bag next to her and pulling out a notebook and a red colored pencil. It couldn't help to be prepared for what was to come, right? 

She watched as Ms. Owens turned around and wrote an equation on the board. One of which was so complex Yuki wasn't even sure where to start with solving it. Just looking at it hurt her brain, so she turned away and decided to focus on something else, which happened to be the numerous different students walking into the classroom.

Firstly, a shorter auburn-haired boy with glasses came in, taking a seat on the opposite side of the room. Followed by a girl looking like a jester, shuffling a  deck of playing cards in her hand as she sat down somewhere in the middle. Two students, a guy, and a girl, came in with matching outfits, holding hands and then taking their seats next. Followed by a girl looking like her outfit was based on Marie Antionette. She was followed by two girls, who both seemed nearly identical. It wasn't just that they were twins. They had the same hairstyle, outfit, and colors in their businesses. It was like the blonde girl's outfit except simplified and in gray. It didn't take Yuki to realize that they were Grays. Yet, she wondered what they were doing here.

She wanted to gasp as she watched them carry in different books and bags and set them down while the girl sat at her desk brushing her hair. After setting down her books, she waved them away and quickly hurried out of the room like two mice who a person had just seen.

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